Өлең, жыр, ақындар

A letter from Kazakh girl

Алматы облысы

Панфилов ауданы

 "Кішішыған орта мектебі мектепке дейінгі

шағын орталығымен" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

8 "А" сынып оқушысы Тельман Арай

Пән мұғалімі  Ниетбаева Галия Батыркановна


      Hi! Dear friends.

      My name is Arai. I am writing this letter from Kazakhstan. I live in a village near Zharkent town. I am thirteen years old. I go to a secondary school. Our school is located in the centre of our village. The school is large. It has three floors. There are three classrooms and a dining-room. А gymnasium on the first floor. Teachers and pupils have their dinner in the dining-room. Near the dining-room we have a Gymnasium, where pupils do body exercises and play sports games. I like to play volleyball and basketball with my friends. There are several  classrooms and computer-rooms on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. I am a pupil of eighth form. Our school year begun on the first of September and ends in May. Every day we have five or six lessons. My favorite  subjects are  Kazakh, Russian, English,  History and  Physical Training. We read and learn grammar, new words, poems and translate texts, ask and answer the questions, do exercises, listen and speak  at the English lesson. And we  prepare  posters.

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