Sabyrbaeva Shynargul
The lesson plan
10 th form
The theme: Health is above wealth
The aim:
Educational: to teach students to express own opinions; to enrich pupils vocabulary;
Developing: to develop pupils reading and speaking habits;
Brining-up: to bring up them the importance of health in our life;
The method of working: warm up, group work, role plays
Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, biology , etc
The procedure of the lesson:
1.Organization moment
- Good morning dear students and our guests. Welcome to our English lesson. Lets begin our lesson. First of all lets speak about todays weather.
- What is the weather like today?
- What season is it now? Do you like winter? Why?
-Now, look at the screen and lets take the cards with pictures.
You see apples which are different colours. Students who have apples with the same colour is a group. Each group has its own work. If you are ready lets begin our lesson. During our lesson you must complete the table.
Brainstorming. level tasks
Lets begin our lesson. Today we will speak about health. If you are healthy , you can learn and work and be active in life. What do you do to be healthy?
Level І Level ІІ Level ІІІ
What you have to do to be healthy? What means to be healthy Good and bad habits?
2. Comprehension, Түсіну. Lets check up your hometask.
3.Application ,қолдану.
Look at the blackboard and repeat after me
sore throat
eye throat
neck ache
Students, you know that sport helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized, better disagree in their daily activities and energetic. Sport builds character. Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, millions or people round the world don’t have good health care. Sometimes they have no money for medical treatment. Sometimes they have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor doesn’t know how to treat the disease and sometimes there is no treatment. Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start. Some pupils cough because they smoke. Smoking influences people’s health very much-smoking destroys lungs. Other health problems which pupils have are the problems of eyesight and hearing. When they get home, they sit down and watch TV, play computer games or listen to loud music. They affect their eyes and ears.
Do you know English proverbs ?
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ≈ Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Ерте тұрған ердің ырысы артық,ерте тұрған әйелдің бір ісі артық,
Good health is above wealth. / Health is better than wealth. ≈ Здоровье дороже денег. Денсаулық-зор байлық.
Healthy mind in a healthy body. ≈ В здоровом теле здоровый дух. Дені саудың- жаны сау.
5.Lets play a game «Light the star».
Please look at the screen. The game «Light the star» is connected to ex.5 . You must answer the questions. If your answer is true your star will light up. Who wants to begin?
5.Synthethis, жинақтау(берілген сөздерді пайдалана отырып постер қорғау).
Magic box
6. Reflection,кері байланыс
Answer the questions using the words and word combinations
7. Marking- бағалау
8. Conclusion. Home task. The lesson is over.
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