Multilingualism in Kazakhstan for modern Kazakhstan Condition of his own well-being N.A. Nazarbayev . To know the language today became only one, I will not hide Little, if two-no questions thou for all authority, those three who know well, all for geniuses believe, well, and if all four-no people richer in the world. The problem of multilingualism is studied in Various aspects of psychologists, ethnographers, historians, philologists. With the help of language we can explain and remember joyful and cheerful moments of our childhood. In my opinion, a citizen of any state is primarily a person who is not indifferent, knowing and appreciating the cultural heritage of his ancestors. There are about 130 different nationalities living on the territory of Kazakhstan. The peoples of Kazakhstan live in and harmony. And they live in peace and harmony. We need Russian language in order to communicate with each other and the leaders of different people and representatives of other peoples-inhabiting our huge country. Learn Russian-years to a row, with soul, with diligence with wit! You will be rewarded with a great reward, and the reward is the same. He's your mentor great Mighty, he's a translator, he's a conductor. If you storm the knowledge of the steep-learn Russian!
Along with the Kazakh language they are designed to provide the formation of harmonic tripaganism. In modern conditions, the younger generation faced with the need for practical application and learning English, which, in turn, is associated with the acquisition of knowledge that corresponds to the level of international standards. In addition, knowledge of the English language contributes to education in countries with a highly developed education system. English language is a means of communion of peoples living in the territory of Kazakhstan to the world educational space. I'll finish my essay with the words of Rasul Gamzatov. Our language is beautiful-rich and sonorous, then powerful and passionate, then gently-melodious. It has a smile and softness and caress. Written by them stories and tales-pages of magic, exciting books! I appeal to the future generation. Learn, guys, all languages, because in their own way they are very important. State Kazakh language must know any student Krussky also know we should, After all, it is the language of a great country. It helps in communicating with us. Friendship and Brotherhood carries in Kazakhstan still foreign need yaziki because all of them-in the world of new technology conductor so that time in vain not teryayteand all languages persistently study.
- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
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