Өлең, жыр, ақындар

“Looking at natural disasters in Kazakhstan and around the world”

Unit 7 Lesson  1

Term     4

Theme: “Looking at natural disasters in Kazakhstan and around the world”


School named after A.S. Pushkin

Date: 20.02.2018

Teacher name: Abraimova Yerkezhan Muratkanovna


Grade 7

Number present:

absent: 0

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.L4 understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general  topics, and some curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Know the spelling and pronunciation of vocabulary on topic “natural disasters”

Most learners will be able to:

opinions use lexical units of topic, can listen and “catch” the main idea.

Some learners will be able to:

Compare natural phenomena with our country and give examples

Language objective

natural phenomena [neitʃərəl finominə] – табиғи құбылыстар, природные явления

Flood [flʌd]- су тасқыны, наводнение

Hurricane [hʌrikein]- дауыл, ураган

Earthquake [ə:θkweik]- жер сілкінісі, землетрясение

Tsunami[tsunami]- цунами

Avalanche[ǽvəlʌntʃ]- кар көшкіні, лавина

Tornado [tɔ:neidəu]- торнадо

Volcanic eruption [vɔlkʌnik i:rʌpʃən]- жанартау атқылауы, извержение вулкана

Lightning[laitniŋ]- найзағай, молния

Drought [draut]-  шөл, засуха

Value links


Cross curricular links

Geography, Kazakh, Russian

Previous learning

Learners will be  familiar with some of the vocabulary associated with Space and Earth

Use of ICT

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation, el.book


Brainstorming, “matching”, “think out” 

Language skills

Reading, writing, listening, speaking

Planned timings

Planned activities



3 min









3 min
















































2 min





2 min



























3  min












3 min















5 min





















3 min









7 min










5 min









1.Leading-in stage (W)

Teacher greets students; ask them to make a circle to say their slogan.  

Always on top,

Always on time.

We are bright stars,

Don’t stop to shine.

Teacher gives the “shanyrak” made of the strips to divide children into 3 groups. 1 group- “Happiness”, 2- group “success”, 3- group “prosperity”


The teacher shows a set of pictures so that the students understand what will be learned.  (students possible answer: today we are going to speak about natural disasters, natural phenomena, harmful thing)









2. Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson

  • Learn the words on theme “natural phenomena”
  • Understand the recording and identify specific information of the text.

Teacher asks each group to write the criteria of success.

Each group think about what they want to get by the end of the lesson. (we will know new vocabulary, we will understand the text, we will speak about disasters)


Teacher shows the el.book

natural phenomena [neitʃərəl finominə] – табиғи құбылыстар, природные явления

Flood [flʌd]- су тасқыны, наводнение

Hurricane [hʌrikein]- дауыл, ураган

Earthquake [ə:θkweik]- жер сілкінісі, землетрясение

Tsunami[tsunami]- цунами

Avalanche[ǽvəlʌntʃ]- кар көшкіні, лавина

Tornado [tɔ:neidəu]- торнадо

Volcanic eruption [vɔlkʌnik i:rʌpʃən]- жанартау атқылауы, извержение вулкана

Lightning[laitniŋ]- найзағай, молния

Drought [draut]-  шөл, засуха





Work with gifted and talented children- Yerzhanov Madiyar



Common in our country

Not common in our country

Flood, Hurricane, Earthquake, Avalanche, Lightning, Drought

Tsunami, Tornado, Volcanic eruption

Tsunami, tornado, volcanic eruption are not common in my country. We can see lightning in whole part of our country. The last flood was in Aktobe region. The last hurricane was in Oskemen where 1 man was killed. Avalanche is happened in highland where a lot of high mountains. Drought is met in the central and southern part of our country, near the Aral sea.

Pre-listening activity.

Teacher shows pictures of natural phenomena and one country and asks students what are they going to listen about?

Students are supposed to tell any words about the picture.

 Listening and while listening activity

Children listen to the text and each group do T or F task.


When was this accident? 26 December

Who did he go with? He went there with his parents.

Where did he go to travel? He travelled to the Thailand.  

About what natural phenomena did you listen? We listened about tsunami.

Who call the Mark? His mother calls the Mark.

Teacher provides open class discussion.


Less able students are given thinking time to make up a sentence


Teacher divide the text into 3 parts, children read and translate the text.



Writing. Correct the false sentence.

Word search find out the words and write into their copy book.

Use the words from the crossword to complete the sentences

1. The devastation caused by superstorm Sandy, particularly in New York and New Jersey, is tragic, but the ___________ has at least put climate change back on the map.

2. After the harshest winter in decades, the Balkans region in the southeast of Europe is now facing its hottest summer and the worst _________ across the area in nearly 40 years.

3. A powerful ____________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high ______________that killed at least 113 people.

4. A landslide caused by rains in southern China left 21 people missing today, adding to a growing death toll from China's worst _________ season in a decade.

5. This summer a dozen ____________, which are more common in the US, have hit Europe. The twister which swept through Poland yesterday flattened more than 400 hectares of woodland in the area.

6. The US navy has been deployed to help avert a looming environmental __________ in the Gulf of Mexico.

1. hurricane

2. drought

3. earthquake; tsunami

4. flood

5. tornadoes

6. disaster







Stripes of different colour


Pictures of natural phenomena










































Electronic book, vocabulary




















Sheet of paper with the task

“Shooting range” assessment









“Shooting range” assessment













Electronic book, note books to each group

“Shooting range” assessment








“Traffic light” assessment







Book p 76

Traffic light” assessment







El.book, note book, “Shooting range” assessment



4 min

Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well. Children tell me please which number should we call in case of emergency? Yes correct, 112

Which natural phenomena have we learned? Which of them common for our country and which are not?

Children look at the Earth? Have you reached your criteria of success? Good for you, with the help of your knowledge we tried to save our planet from natural isasters.

Hometask: E x 2


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation by support

More support:

  • Some questions are more difficult than others
  • Allow thinking time.

More-able learners:

  • Encourage students to use previously learned vocabulary.
  • The teacher will observe and guide the students helping with their questions. Oral formative assessment

Students try to express opinions


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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