Өлең, жыр, ақындар

Building the professional competence of the future teacher of foreign languages

Suleimenova Zhadyra Kairbekkyzy
master’s degree student, Kyzylorda State University by Korkyt Ata, Kazakhstan

Zhumagulova Mariyash Shirdaevna
Professor of phylological sciences, Kyzylorda State University by Korkyt Ata, Kazakhstan

In today's rapidly growing technology society, there is an increasing need for highly skilled and professionally qualified professionals. Education in the information society ceases to be a means of assimilating readily accepted universal knowledge, but rather as a way of exchanging and enriching personalities with each other, leading to their competence and erudition.

The expertise of a specialist is objectively more relevant because of the complexity and continuous expansion of social experience, the scope of educational services, the emergence of innovative types of schools, pedagogical systems, projects, Technologies, the emergence of different forms of presentation and the processing of information, including new information technologies, and the increasing level of requests for a society by a specialist.

A modern school requires a teacher of learned, a free and critical system with a psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the basic education, upbringing and development of children, the ability to work with gifted and difficult children ready to Research,-the implementation of a personal approach in the design of a strategy of personal development, capable of pedagogical activities, Gain professional competence, personal authority and status.[1]

As the analysis of a number of degree studies shows, scientists are predominantly looking to the individual parties to professional competence rather than to the holistic, withing property of the teacher's personality, suggesting its development and Education, which are part of the process of forming it. The correlation between the concepts of "professional competence" and "preparedness for Professional (pedagogical) activities" has become ambiguous. A number of scientists (E. Bondarevskaja, L. F. Zherebjateva, V.A. Slastening, I.L. Jacukova) include in the notion of preparedness the competence of the specialist as a substantive component. Some work equates psychological and pedagogical competence with readiness and ability to perform professional pedagogical functions in accordance with the norms and standards adopted by the Society (M. Lukyanov). There is a tendency to include in the professional competence the unity of theoretical readiness of pedagogic thinking and the practical readiness of pedagogical work in a coherent personality structure.[2]

Owing to the prevailing circumstances, there are now tensions between:

The increased demands of the updating society for a professional teacher and the unwillingness of the mass of teachers to meet the contemporary expectations of society;

-The need to professionalize the social and cultural life of society and the lack of development of the professional competence of the future teacher in the context of technologisation pedagogical education;
The proclamation of democratic transformations in education, the granting of rights and freedoms to the teacher and the failure of many teachers to established the innovative components of professional activity in practice;
-The targeting of many pedagogical colleges for the development of a coherent system of training of a professional and competent professional and the insufficiency of the cumulative conditions required for doing.[3]

One thing is obvious: education is an integral part of society, not only is it responsible for the process of preparing for social life, but it also defines the identity of the individual and its ability to be realized. The dynamism of public life, the constant rise in the demands placed on the modern person, has stimulated the transition to a lifelong learning concept. In the context of this concept, the professional development of the personality of the teacher is a guarantee of his professional survival, so that professional development and self-improvement are now the main priority for each teacher.
The modernization of Kazakh education is linked not so much to the introduction of innovative approaches to the content of education and educational technologies as to the improvement of the professional competence of the teacher. Thus, the shift of priorities in the pedagogical value system has the problem of improving the quality of teacher training and professional competence.[4]

A modern teacher must realize the need for further development of his professional skills. It can be assumed that the problems of access to professional information and the motivation of the teacher for self-improvement, readiness for lifelong learning are merging. Of course, not every teacher can be a researcher of all the problems of modern education, but by virtue of every teacher, it is the best, the more interesting, the better, the creative solution to find and find in his profession.[5]

The pedagogical skills are grouped into four groups:

1. The ability to formulate specific pedagogical tasks according to a certain group of students, taking into account their willingness to acquire new knowledge.
2. The ability to plan and design their own activities, to choose the forms, methods and means of organizing the educational process.
3. The ability to create the necessary conditions (material, moral and psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); To increase the personality of the pupil and to develop his activities, turning him from an object to a subject of upbringing; Organize and develop joint activities.
4. The ability to assess the results of pedagogical activities: self-examination and analysis of the educational process and the performance of the teacher; Define a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogic tasks.[6]

The effectiveness of the process of building the professional competence of students in the Faculty of Foreign languages was demonstrated in the systemic design and implementation of the learning process in the form of diagnostichnoed and gradually verifiable goals, personal Content-oriented, the system of tools to design the didactic process of teaching foreign language students and pedagogy through technological maps and didactic modules, and the creation of conditions of expression by the actors Pedagogical process of personal functions.[7]

The reproducibility of our pedagogical technology has been translated into the involvement of the pedagogical community (through a joint discussion of the objectives of experimental work in the faculty, scientists and scientific and methodical councils, Seminars-training courses, annual scientific and practical conferences, students of the Faculty of Foreign languages, the teachers of the University of Volgograd, and areas in the process of technological design for a number of years and the repeatability of positive Results in the education and upbringing of students and schoolchildren.
The development of the professional competence of the future teacher of foreign languages is a relevant aspect and backbone the vocational training of a modern teacher in the context of technologisation, integration, personal orientation Teacher education and X involves mastering the personal experience of the technological design of the didactic process, which is ahead in nature and aimed at disclosing the personal abilities, talents of the students, Students and teachers. There are signs of a technological approach, the essence and didactic features of pedagogic technology in the formation of a teacher's professional competence, which facilitates, minimizes, streamlining pedagogical work of the teacher; Translates the teacher-designed didactic process to a higher level of efficiency (with assured achievement of the desired goals), knowledge (the underlying pedagogic technology is based on a systematic approach), Integration (through pedagogizaciju of psychology-pedagogical and special-cycle disciplines), reproducibility (accessibility by any teacher and the possibility of achieving better results in education), a humanistic focus ( The normalization of educational loads, the creation of a comfortable learning environment for schoolchildren, the optimum (by comparing alternative solutions to the problem and choosing the best of them with cost-saving time and the efforts of educators and schoolchildren), Creativity and openness (the design of creative work for schoolchildren with different levels of ambition), expands the professional functions of the teacher, allows for the learning of new (predictive, design, managerial, (Diagnostic, reflexive, etc.); Develops pedagogical thinking (system, flexibility, criticism, etc.); Helps you gain personal experience in designing a didactic process that has a ahead character and aims at disclosing personal abilities, students ' talents, and teachers.

1. Bezukladnikov Ke, Karpushina E.E. Evaluation of the professional competence of the future teacher of a foreign language//foreign languages at school. -No. 6. 2009. With. 87.
2. Belonozhkina e.g. Professional competence of a foreign language teacher//foreign languages at school. -No. 5. 2009. With. 74.
3. Bordovskaja, Rean A.A. Pedagogy: Training Manual. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. -304 C.
4. Gukemuhov. The role of the competence approach in improving the quality of education, the federal State scientific Institution of the Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education//[Electronic resource]-access mode. -URL: Http://www.itiprao.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=154:c ... (05.01.2013 date).
5. Didactics and competence in the professional activities of a teacher of a medical college and a school. Trainer's Guide/red. M.G. Romantsova, M. Ledvanova, T. Sologub. Academy of Natural Sciences, 2010. [Electronic resource] the scientific electronic Library of the monograph published in the Russian Academy of Natural Resources//[electronic resource]-access mode. URL: http://www.monographies.ru/73 (05.01.2013 date).
6. Kazarickaja T., Golovanova I., Kaplich L., Uvarov and, Flowers T. Teacher Competency: Assessment and self-assessment tools [electronic resource]-access mode. URL: Http://www.conf-a.narod.ru/03.1-2.10.2012.pdf (05.01.2013 date).
7. Lebedev O.E. Competence approach in education//school technology. 2004. -No. 5. With. 3—

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