Form: 7
The theme: Getting to know each other
The objectives: a) The students will be able to talk about towns and cities, languages and nationalities.
b) Develop their grammar skills.
c) Demonstrate their logical thinking in their speech
Visual aids: activity picture cards
Type of the lesson: Introduction of new material
Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment
Good morning children!
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like is it today?
Introduction of the lessons objectives.
Presentation of new material.
Ex.1. Match the Kazakh word with the English word.
Use the vocabulary of the textbook
a)embassy [׳embǝsi] – емшілік
b)tutor [׳tju:tǝ] – тәлімгер
c)memory [׳memǝri] – ес,жад
Ex.2. Read the names of the countries and practice the pronunciation.
Ex.3. Study this memory map. On a sheet of paper write down the ideas which come to your mind.
Example: I think Anna White is a school teacher.
She has visited the USA.
Ex.4. Compare your ideas about the memory map with your partner.
Ex.5. Read the text and find the new words in the text.
different [׳difәrәnt] – әр түрлі
yourself [jͻ:׳self] – өзің
welcome [׳welkәm] – күткен; қарсы алу.
Ex.6. Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense from the text (exercise 5)
I have been a teacher for 6 years, I’ve met school children, from different countries.
I have visited Astana twice.
I am married and have two children.
Home task
Ex.7. Read the Grammar Reference (pp.177-178).
- Джон Максвелл
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
Барлық авторлар
Ілмек бойынша іздеу
Қазақша есімдердің тізімі