Өлең, жыр, ақындар

The World of Health

Атырау облысы

Құрманғазы ауданы

Б.Бегалиев атындағы орта мектебінің

 І санатты ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Шекетасова Мейрамгүл Мұхтарқызы


Сабақтың тақырыбы: “The World of Health”


Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың денсаулық және салауатты өмiр салты туралы бiлiмiн жетiлдiру. Жағымды және жағымсыз әдеттерді талқылау.


  1. Шет тілін үйрену барысында оқушының тілін жаттықтыру (монологтық. диалогтық); сөздік қорын молайту, өз ойын тиянақты жеткізуін дамыту;
  2. Бағдарламада белгіленген тақырыптар мен тілдік материалдарды қайталау;
  3. лексикалық(“Health and body care”) және грамматикалық (модалдық етістік «should») материалдың активизациясы.
  4. ауыз екi сөздiң дағдыларын, тыңдау қабілеттерын жетiлдiру.  


       1) жеке тұлғаның танымдық қызығушылығын дамыту;

       2) оқушылардың тыңдау,сөйлеу,оқу,жазу,аудару қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік мәні :

  1. оқушылардың салауатты өмір салтыға мүддесiнiң тәрбиелеу;
  2. өзгелердың пiкiріне құрметпен карауға, тыңдау қабілетіне тәрбиелеу;
  3. жағымсыз әдеттерден жиренуге,жақсы қасиеттерді бойға сіңіруге тәрбиелеу.

Әдiстер: ой-ашар,жекелеме,топтық жұмыстар,сұрақ-жауап,тірек сызбаларымен жұмыс

Сабақтың түрi: құрамалы (жаңа лингвоелдык болмыстарымен таныстыру,  бекiту және талқыланылған материалды жалпылау сабағы)

Көрнекілігі: интерактивтік тақта,видео-роликтер.

                                                                    Plan of the lesson.

I. Org moment: –a)greeting; b)talk with duty:

II .Warm- up.

III. Checking up the homework.

IV. Pre-reading task. Work on vocabulary.

V. Reading the text.

VI. After-reading tasks

a) complete the sentence with one of the words below.

b) complete the diagram about health food and junk food

c) match the word with its definition.

VII . Physical exercise.

VIII. Watching a video fragment.  “Bob around Britain”

IX. To make a dialogue.

 X. Focus on grammar

XI. Consoldition. a) match the proverb with its translation; b) test.

XII. Conclusion.

Epigraph: Health is the greatest wealth.

                                                 The procedure of the lesson:

I Org moment: (слайд 1) –a) greeting; b) talk with duty:

Teacher: Good morning! How are you today? Are you fine?

 Teacher: That’s nice. Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. I want to invite you to the World of Health. We’ll speak on the topic “Health”.

Teacher: Look at the board. Can you read and translate the epigraph of our lesson? (слайд 2)  Choose the right translation of it.

Epigraph: Health is the greatest wealth.

“Денсаулық ақшаға сатылмайды ”.

“Мол дәулетің болғанша-мықты денсаулығың болсын ”.

“Денсаулық зор байлық ”.


Teacher: Well done! Look at the board.. (слайд 3)

II .Warm- up. Look at the board and names of… (слайд 4)

-four parts of the body which you can move;  (leg, head, hand, finger)

-five things which you can eat to be healthy;  (apples, oranges, carrots, rice, fish)

-the jobs of three people who work in hospital; (doctor, nurse, dentist)

-three things you can take when you are ill: (medicine, pills, mixture )

Teacher: O’k great.


III. Checking up the homework. (слайд 5)

Teacher: -Now pupils what was your home task? Your homework was write Karen’s bad and good habits.

Answer the questions.

-Who is Mr.White? –What’s the girl’s name? –How old is she? –Did she eat fruit and vegetables before she went to the Health Farm? –How many kilos she weigh now?

IV. Pre-reading task. Work on vocabulary.

V. Reading the text.

Teacher: Now, children, your task is to listen to the text and then do some exercises. On the board you see new words. (слайд 6)

                                                         Good and bad habits

     To be healthy is very important. You can work, learn and have fun only when you are healthy. Health is the man’s greatest wealth.

     To be healthy you need vitamins. You should eat fruit and vegetable. The English say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is because apples have vitamins and are good for your health. The most important vitamin is vitamin С. You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage.

     There are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, cakes and sweets. They have much fat and sugar.

     Маnу people walk or cycle in their free time. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good figure. They also help you lose weight. Extra weight can cause serious problems, such as heart problems and diabetes.

     There are a lot of advertisements both on TV and in newspapers of different pills which can help you become slim in two weeks. But taking medicine without a doctor’s control is dangerous.

     There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Nowadays it becomes more and more popular to be healthy and slim. Every person should decide what he can do to be healthy.



pasta – макароннан дайындалған тағам

fat – май

lose weight – салмақты түсіру

extra weight – артық салмақ

cause – себебі болу

diabetes – қант диабет

advertisement – жарнама

pill – дәрі

dangerous – қауіпті

ruin – бұзу

drug – есірткі

slim- тартымдылық



Teacher: Now, who wants to read? Do you understand the text ?

VI. After-reading tasks

a) complete the sentence with one of the words below.

cakes and sweets          health         lose weight         eat           vitamin C          energy         

                   heart problems        free        medicine           doctor                drugs          vitamins


     To be healthy is very important. __ (1) is the man’s greatest wealth. To be healthy you need __ (2). You should __ (3) fruit and vegetable. The English say “An apple a day keeps the __ (4) away”. The most important vitamin is __ (5). You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage.

     There are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, __ (6). They have much fat and sugar. This food gives a lot of __ (7). If you do not work it out, it becomes fat in your body.

     Маnу people walk or cycle in their __ (8) time. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good figure. They also help you __ (9). Extra weight can cause serious problems, such as __ (10) and diabetes.

     There are a lot of advertisements both on TV and in newspapers of different pills which can help you become slim in two weeks. But taking __ (11) without a doctor’s control is dangerous.

     There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and taking__ (12).


Keys: 1) health; 2) vitamins; 3) eat; 4) doctor; 5) vitamin C; 6) cakes and sweets; 7) energy; 8) free; 9) lose weight; 10) heart problems; 11) medicine; 12) drugs


Teacher: Well done! Now, boys and girls, tell me –What do we do to be healthy according to this text?

b) complete the diagram about health food and junk food.

2) Teacher: Let’s speak about healthy food and junk food. (слайд 10). Let’s be the experts and divide different kinds of food into 2 categories: healthy food and junk food.

fish, chips, fruit, milk, vegetable, Coca-Cola, hambugers, salad, hot dogs,meat, porridge, pizza, sweets, soup.

Teacher: Let’s read the words – healthy food, junk food. (слайд)

c) match the word with its definition. Teacher: Now let’s do the following task using your knowledge on the topic “Health” (слайд 12)

 ) A place where we get medical help. (hospital)

2) A state of being well. (health)

3) Things you take to recover. (medicine)

4) A person who gives us medical help. (doctor)

5) А саг that takes a patient to the hospital. (ambulance)

6) A part of a body that helps us to smell. (nose)

7) One of the two organs of breathing in the chest of  a man or an animal. (lung)

8) A person who needs a medical help. (a patient)

VII . Physical exercise.

Teacher: I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest and remember a wonderful English song “Head and Shoulders”

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes, knees and toes!

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes, knees and toes!

Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose!

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes, knees and toes!

T.: Thank you.

VIII. Watching a video fragment.  “Bob around Britain” Let’s watch a video fragment about people who have some problems with their health. Then you will tell me what they complain of and what they should do to recover.

Teacher:- Now, pupils look at the video and listen.-What about this video? What have you seen in this video?

IX. To make a dialogue. “A doctor and a patient” Now pupils ,I give you 2 minutes to think a dialogue.

-Are you ready? Who wants to be a doctor? Who wants to be patient?

X. Focus on grammar.

 Teacher: Now it’s time to revise your grammar rules. Let's make Health Code. Here are some cards. Now let’s discuss and tell us what we should and shouldn’t do to be healthy. Complete the sentences with should/ shouldn’t. On the board we see examples. (слайд 13)

1.         You                        eat vegetables and fruit.

2.         You                        drink hot milk and honey.

3.         You                        eat unfresh food.

4.         You                        sleep 8 hours a day.

5.         You                        go to bed late.

6.         You                        do morning exercises.

7.         You                        walk too much in cold weather.

8.         You                        drink cold water.

9.         You                        air the room.

10.       You                        clean teeth.

11.       You                        drink much coffee.

12.       You                        eat a lot of sweets (salt).



XI. Consoldition. a) match the proverb with its translation (слайд 15)

Teacher: I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. You can see some English proverbs. They are connected with the topic of our lesson. Match the proverb with its translation.

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. – Күнге бір алмадан - дәрiгерсiз күн кешесің..

2.Good health is above wealth. –Денсаулық қазынадан қымбаттау.

3.A sound mind in a sound body. – Тәні саудың жаны сау.

4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. - Кiм ерте жатып ерте тұрады- денсаулық, байлық және ақыл табады.

5.Live not to eat, but eat to live -  Өмiр тағам үшiн емес, өмiр үшiн тағам.

6.Wealth is nothing without health . - Байлық денсаулықсыз- дәнеңе.


Teacher: Great!

b) test.

Teacher: And now let’s answer Crazy Questions. Choose the right variant. Then make a key word – (HEALTH).


1. How do we call “a pain in the head”? (слайд 16)

    backache (n)

    toothache (g)

    headache (h)

2. A part of a body that helps us to see the word. (слайд 17)

    lip (a)

    eye (e)

    tooth (o)

3. A feeling of being hurt. (слайд 18)

    pain (a)

    fun (y)

    laugh (i)

4. A thing you take to recover. (слайд 19)

    sweets (m)

    a medicine (l)

    books (r)

5. The right food keeps you… . (слайд 20)

    well (t)

    ill (k)

    funny (p)

6. Never … to be healthy. (слайд 21)

    laugh (x)

    eat (l)

    smoke (h)

(слайд 22) – HEALTH


Teacher: Very good! You’ve answered all these questions well. Now let’s come to the blackboard with your letters and try to make a key-word. Put your letters on the blackboard.)


XII. Conclusion. (слайд 23)

Teacher: Thank you for your work. You were very active and clever at the lesson.

Write down your homework: At home you will write a small composition about “Health”

    Your marks for the lesson are: ...

(слайд 25)

Teacher: Our lesson is over. I wish you good health and happiness. And don’t forget that “Good Health is Above Wealth”! Good bye! (слайд 26)


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