Бейнеу ауданы
«Атамекен ортамектебі»ММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Есбагамбетова АлияТаухановна
Grade: 6
The theme: Buying food
- to present of the lesson “Buying food”
- to learn the topical words.
-to broaden the children’s knowledge about healthy and unhealthyfood.
- todevelop the children’s communication skills them thinking abilities.
- to teach children’s to listen and respect each other.
Inter subject connection: practical grammar.
Grammar:“there is/there are”
Visual aids:English book, flipchart, cards, stickers, basket, pictures of food.
The form of the lesson: the shopping lesson.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
-Good morning, children
-Good morning, teacher, we are glad to see you!
-I am glad to see you, too.
-Sit down please!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What was the last lesson?
Repeating the last theme aboutcountable and uncountable nouns.
II. warm- up activity:
Food Quiz
At first, match the nouns(the pictures of food) and stick them
_____________ ____________ ______________ ______________
III.Work with the new words.
Flavour-жұпар иіс
Vanilla-ваниль, ванилді
Unhealthy food-ден саулыққа зыянды тамақ
Healthy food-ден саулыққа пайдалы тамақ
IV. Pair work:exercise 3
Complete the table looking at the pictures of baskets and find the healthy and unhealthy food:
Healthy food |
Unhealthy food |
Apple Grape Cheese Mineral water Orange pear |
Coca cola Chocolate Hamburger Coffee Biscuit
V.Group work: “Let’s play shop” We must divide into two groups “strawberry” and “pineapple”.
Look at the picture and video. What about these?
-Yes, you are right.These picture and video about shopping. I’ll give you mixing dialogue and you must find the order variant of mixing dialogue. Make a poster!
-Excuse me!
-Can I help you?
- Yes, please.Three small ice-creams.
-What flavour?
-What flavour have you got?
-I have got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and pineapple.
-O.K., one strawberry, one pineapple, one chocolate, please.
- Here you are.
- How much is that?
They’re 60 tenge… that’s 180 tengealtogether.
VI. Pronunciation Practice
[ᶞ ]this, that, they, these
[ᶿ]three, third, think, thank
VII. Word building:
Exercise11. Match the nouns to make new words and do exercise in your notebook.
VIII. Home task:
Make a dialogue about your shopping. Learn the active vocabulary.
Marking: For each right answer you have got cards. Counting! Please.How many cards have you got? Your mark depends on them.
IX. Conclusions:
Children! Today you have done good job. Excellent!Lesson is over Good bye!
- Есбол Бозан
- Есбол Бозан
- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
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