Шымкент каласы
«Қазығұрт»№66 орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Шымырбаева Гүлжан Нургайдаровна
Theme of the lesson: is there a yeti? |
School “Khazygurt” № 66 |
Date: 08.12.2016y. |
Teacher: Shymyrbaeva G.N. |
Form: 3 “Ж” |
Number present |
Absent |
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to. |
Waiting result: |
Be able to work in pupil’s are friendly. We help to each other can ask and answer. |
Lesson objectives: |
Recognize greetings. Understand and follow instructions. |
Criteria of marking |
Working by group. Answer to the questions. |
The course of the lesson: |
Teacher’s action |
Pupil’s action |
Resource |
1. Organization moment. 3 min |
- Greeting.
- Greets. |
Manuel. |
2. Checking home work 5 min |
Check up the home work |
Introduce writing works. Ask and answer the questions. |
Orally and writing. |
3. To know 5 min |
Learning the new ds: Noun: scarf, socks, trousers, coat, hat, mittens. |
Repeat the words. Read and repeat the words - Write the rules of reading. |
Writing. |
Rest time 5 min |
Sing a song |
Sing a song by listening a tope recorder |
Orally |
Using 15 min |
1. Listen and repeat. |
1. Will listen and read.
Orally |
4. assessment 5 min |
▪ Marking by smiles primary colors. |
Pupils note their works. ▪ they mark themselves and lesson putting the understand. |
5. Homework |
Learn by heart the song. Ex 3b p 27 Activity book. |
Pupils writes the h.w. in diary
Reflection: Were the lesson objectives learning objectives realistic? What did the learners today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? 5 min |
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant question from the box on the left about your lesson. |
Summary evaluation: What two things went really well ( consider both teaching learning)? 1: 2: What two thing would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: |
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