Өлең, жыр, ақындар

The well

Маңғыстау облысы, Ақтау қаласы
Ақтау технологиялық қызмет көрсету колледжінің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің оқытушысы
Ердешева Жаннат Абдрахмановна

The theme: The well [wel]-ұңғы

The aim:

1. Concerning the theme to enrich students΄knowledge, to enlarge their vocabulary with new technical terms about their speciality.
2. To bring up students to love and to get interested in their. Future profession,and to respect their mother tongue. To inveigle them into active interest to learn English.
3. To develop students΄ grammatical, translation skills and memories with the help of grammatical exercises.

Visual aids: Interwrite workspace, a textbook, dictionary, the Power Point Presentation.

Method of the lesson: Explanation, question-answer, testing.

Interaction with other subjects: Kazakh, Physics and special subjects.(Oil and gas)

Type of the lesson: Nontraditional-panoramic lesson                                                                      

Procedure of the lesson: I. Organizational moment

To check pupil's presence, to check their homework

Homework: To match the following words and word combinations with their kazakh equivalents:

1.  Exploring of oil and gas                                a) сейсмикалық барлау
2.  Geology observations                                   b) қалдыққа арналған бассейн                                  
3.  Seismic survey                                            c) мұнай өндіру қабаты
4.  Impermeable rock                                        d) өткізбейтін қабат
5.  Porous collector                                          e) сейсмоқабылдағыш                           
6.  Mechanical vibration                                    f) мұнай мен газды зерттеу
7.  Petroleum-producing area                            g) жарылыс
8.  Explosion                                                   h) механикалық вибрация
9.  geophone                                                   i) булы коллектор
10. sedimentary basin                                      j) геологиялық бақылау


1-f, 2-j, 3-a, 4-d, 5-I, 6-h,7-c, 8-g, 9-e, 10-b

II. New title: The well

New words

Well                             [wel]                     -ұңғы
to bring in a well        [briŋ]                    -ұңғыны игеру
crude oil                      [kru:d]                  -игерілмеген мұнай
ground                         [graund]               -жер
drilling rig                   [driliŋ rig]            -бұрғылау қондырғысы
surface                        [ sә:feis ]               -бет, жазықтық
driller                          [drilә]                   -бұрғышы, шебер
drill string                   [striŋ]                   -бұрғылау құбырларының легі, бұрғылау легі
casing                         [ keiziŋ ]                -шегендеуші құбырлар легі
coupling                     [ kΛрliŋ ]              -жалғау, муфта
thread                        [ Өred ]                 -ойма, винт оймасы
wellbore                     [ welbכּ: ]              -ұңғының оқпаны
rock formation          [rok fo:meiƒn]      -шөгінді жыныстар қабаты
sloughing                   [ slΛfiŋ ]                -ұңғының (айналу) қабырғасы
installation                 [instәleiƒn]           -қондырғы, агрегат, монтаж
production tubing      [tju:biŋ]               -сораптық компероссорлық құбырлар легі
packer                       [ pækә ]                  -пакер
well head                    [welhed]                -ұңғының сағасы, аузы
valve                          [ vælv ]                   -клапан, вентиль
choke                         [ tƒәuk ]                  -штуцер, дроссель
pressure gage           [ geidz ]                  -монометр
to perforate              [ pәfכּreit ]               -бұрғылап тесу, атқылау
to equip                     [ ikuip ]                  -жабдықтау
flow                           [ flכּu ]                    -ағым, фонтандалу
viscosity                    [ viskכּuiti ]             -тұтқырлық
fluid                           [ flu:id ]                  -сұйықтың, газмұнайлы жүйе
reservoir                   [ rezәvwά: ]            -резервуар, коллектер
pumping                    [ рΛpnpiŋ ]            -сору
artifical lft                [ α:tifiƒәl ]              -сораптық-компрессорлық шығару, өндіру
rod string                  [rodstriŋ]                -сораптық штангалар иегі
acidizing                   [æsidәiziŋ ]             -қышқылдық өңдеу
injection                   [ indzektjn ]            -тығыздау
fracturing                [ fræktsәкшŋ  ]       -(жыныстың) қабаттың гидравликалық айырылуы
proppant                  [ prכּpәnt ]              -қабатты айыру,жару қосындысы


The well

The well is a hole drilled in the earth for the purpose of finding or producing crude oil or natural gas; or providing services related to the production of crude oil or natural gas. Also, an oil well can be described as a pipeline reaching from the top of the ground to the oil producing formation. Through this pipe, oil and gas are brought to the surface. Wells are normally drilled with a drilling rig in stages, starting with a surface hole drilled to reach a depth anywhere from 60 to 400 metres.

The drillers then pull out the drill string and insert steel pipe, called surface casing, which is cemented in place to keep the wall from caving in. The casing – tubular steel pipe connected by threads and couplings-lines the total length of the well bore  to ensure safe control of production and to prevent water entering the wellbore and to keep the rock formations from “sloughing” into  the wellbore.  

Tubing. The tubing hangs from a surface installation called the wellhead. The wellhead valves, chokes and pressure gages make it possible to regulate production  from the well.The third step is to perforate the well. The casing prevents the hole from collapsing, but it also prevents the oil or gas from entering the wellbore. Therefore, holes are made through the casing and into the formation. This is usually accomplished with an explosive device that is lowered into the well on an electrical wire line to the required depth. This device, a collection of explosive charges, is called a perforating gun.

Producing oil and gas from the well. Gas generally flows to the wellbore under its own pressure. As a result, most gas wells are wells are equipped only with chokes and valves to control the flow through the wellhead into a pipeline. When the wellhead pressure is less than the pipeline pressure, a compressor is installed to boost the low-pressure gas into the pipeline. The production of crude oil is more complicated. Crude oil has larger molecules and moves through rocks less easily. The percentage of the oil in the reservoir that can be produced naturally   is determined by a large number of elements.  These include the density of the oil, the viscosity, the porosity and permeability of the rock, the pressure in the oil reservoir and the pressure of other fluids such as gas and water in the reservoir.

Pumping. While some oil wells contain enough pressure to push oil to the surface, most oil wells drilled today require pumping. This is also known as artificial lift. If a well requires it, a pump is lowered down the tubing to the bottom of the well on a string of steel rods, referred to as the rod string.

The rod string conveys power to the pump either by rotating or moving up and down, depending on the type of pump employed. Submersible pumps are used on some wells.

Well stimulation. In many oil and gas wells, one additional step is required-stimulating the formation by physical or chemical means so that the hydrocarbons can move more easily to the wellbore though the pores or fractures in the reservoir. This is usually done before installing a pump or when the pump is removed for maintenance.       

One form of stimulation- acidizing is the injection of acids under pressure into the rock formation through the production tubing and perforations. This creates channels beyond the perforation for oil and gas to flow back to the well. Fracturing is another common method of stimulation. A fluid such as water or an oil product is pumped down the hole under sufficient pressure to create cracks (fractures) in the formation.

Proppant-a hard substance such as sand, ceramics or resin-coated material – in injected with the fluid. As the fluid disperses, the material remains to prop the fracture.

Ex1. Find the English equivalents from the text

1. Ұңғы дегеніміз диаметрі ұзындығынан бірнеше есе кіші болатын, шикі мұнай мен табиғи газды өндіру мақсатында жер бетінде бұрғыланған құбырлар легі.
2. Шегендеуші құбыр – бұл мұнай өндіруді қамтамсыз ететін, және ұңғы оқпанын су басып кетуден сақтайтын болат құбыр.
3. Сораптың компрессорлық құбырдың диаметрі шегендеуші құбырға қарағанда кішірек.
4. Шикі мұнайдың молекуласы  көлемі үлкен болғандықтан ол қабат арасымен баяу жылжиды.
5. Механикаланған өндіру дегеніміз – мұнайды қабат арасынан сорып арқылы шығару.
6. Механикаланған өндіру кезінде сорап – сораттық компрессорлық құбырға жіберіледі.
7. Кейбір ұңғыларда батырмалы сораптар қолданылады.

Ex.2 Translate the following sentences into Kazakh

Drilling, hydrocarbons, installing a pump, acidizing, injection of acids, under pressure, rock formation, production tubing, perforation, fracturing, stimulation, hard substance, low-pressure gas, percentage of the oil the reservoir, recovery factor, large number of elements, density of the oil, viscosity, porosity, permeability of the rock, pressure  in the oil reservoir, wellbore, drilling rig, wellhead, choke, valve, casing.


1. Диаметрі ұзындығынан бірнеше есе кіші болатын, шикі мұнай мен табиғи газды өндіру мақсатында жер бетінде бұрғыланған құбырлар легі......деп аталады.
а) well
в) drilling rid
с) drill string
d) valve
e) choke

2. It is a tubular steel pipe connected by threads and coupling lines the total length of the well bore to prevent water entering.
а) сорыптық құбырлар
в) шегендеуші құбыр
с) пакер
d) сораптық штанка
e) бұрғылау құбыры

3. Жер астында қысым азайған кезде мұнай .....арқылы алынады.
а) fracturing
в) perforating
с) drilling
d) Pumping
e) acidizing

4. Бұрғылау өндірісінде жұмыс істейтін адам ............... деп аталады.
а) a driver
в) a welder
с) a driller
d) a teacher
e) a programmer

5. Сораптық компрессорлық құбырдан шыққан мұнай ....... келіп түседі
а) a reservoir
в) a factory
с) a pipeline
d) a gasholder
e) a separator

1– A.
2– B.
3– D.
4– C.
5– E.

III. Conclusion questions:
1.   What is the well?
2.   How the wells are drilled?
3.   Describe the wellhead equipment.
4.   What is the purpose of perforation?
5.   What devices are wed during perforation?
6.   How flow gas from the well? What equipment is used to control gas flow?
7.   What happens when the wellhead pressure is less than the pipeline pressure?
8.   What is more complicated: production of crude oil or gas?
9.   What is the recovery factor?
10. How can we call pumping of well fluids in other words?
11. What kind of wells needs artificial lift?
12. Why many oil and gas well must be stimulated?
13. Describe the forms of well stimulation.
14. What is proppant?

Marking the students.

Setting the hometask: To make up sentences using new words and to learn them by heart, to retell the text.

Used literature

1. И.П. Агабекян. Английский для технических вузов. Ростов-на-Дону."Феникс" 2001
2. И.СерикбайАнглийский в нефтегазовой промышленности. Алматы 2005
3. English – Russian dictionary

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