5 сынып. Емтиханның тапсырмалары I нұсқа.
I Task. Write in plural form. Көпше түрін жаз.
1) a map -
2) a rose -
3) an apple -
4) a dress -
5) a child -
II Task. Time. What time is it? Сағат. Уақыт.
1) 9.45-
2) 11.50-
3) 10.00-
4) 8.15-
5) 7.25-
III Task. Write these sentences in negative form and translate into Kazakh.
IV Task. Look at the picture and describe it. Kitchen.
5 сынып. Емтиханның тапсырмалары II нұсқа.
I Task. Write in plural form. Көпше түрін жаз.
1) a boy -
2) a man -
3) a bus -
4) a clock-
5) a tiger -
II Task. Time. What time is it? Сағат. Уақыт.
1) 9.15-
2) 11.20-
3) 10.45-
4) 8.00-
5) 12.25-
III Task. Write these sentences in negative form and translate into Kazakh.
1) He is writing a letter.
2) I am playing the piano.
3) You are drinking milk.
4) We are eating pizza now.
5) He is an Englishboy.
IV Task. Look at the picture and describe it. Living room.
5 сынып. Емтиханның тапсырмалары III нұсқа.
I Task. Write in plural form. Көпше түрін жаз.
1) a monkey-
2) a lip -
3) a bag-
4) a box -
5) a woman -
II Task. Time. What time is it? Сағат. Уақыт.
2) 11.25-
4) 8.15-
5) 7.15-
III Task. Write these sentences in negative form and translate into Kazakh.
1)He is writing at the blackboard.
2) I am playing with my toys.
3)She is drinking coffee.
4)You are eating eggs now.
5) They are Englishgirls.
IV Task. Look at the picture and describe it. Bedroom.
5 сынып. Емтиханның тапсырмалары IV нұсқа.
I Task. Write in plural form. Көпше түрін жаз.
1) an egg -
2) a pen -
3) a camel -
4) a sofa -
5) an ice-cream –
II Task. Time. What time is it? Сағат. Уақыт.
1) 10.15-
2) 9.25-
3) 11.45-
4) 8.10-
5) 12.00-
III Task. Write these sentences in negative form and translate into Kazakh.
1)He is writing a letter.
2)I am playing the piano.
3)You are drinking milk.
4)We are eating pizza now.
5) He is an Englishboy.
IV Task. Look at the picture and describe it. My room.
- Есбол Бозан
- Есбол Бозан
- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
Барлық авторлар
Ілмек бойынша іздеу
Қазақша есімдердің тізімі