Өлең, жыр, ақындар


Атырау облысы, Макат ауданы 
Л.Шахатов атындагы орта мектебiнің 
ағылшын тiлi пəні мұғалімі
Туралиева Алтынгул Кыдырбаевна

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and  Technology

LESSON: 1 Communication

School: named after Latip Shakhatov

Date: 02.06.17

Teacher name: A.K.Turalieva

Grade: 7

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Communication

Learning objectives

  • 7S7  use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics
  • 7L6  deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • know about the different ways you communicate
  • listen to a conversation about how people communicate

Most learners will be able to:

  • ask about the different ways you communicate
  • understand a conversation about how people communicate

Some learners will be able to:

  • speak about the different ways you communicate talk a conversation about how people communicate

Previous learning

Hobbies in Kazakhstan


Planned timings




7  min.


• Books closed. Elicit the different ways in which we communicate with our friends, parents in the modern world, if you are far away.  Ss: Phone, text message, WhatsApp, Facebook, VK, Instagram,Tweet, email.

T: Today we are going to speak about communication.

T: writes the date and the theme of the lesson on the board. Pupils write too.

T: Some pictures  are given in the board.         

Email, chatting,  blog post, text message, Tweet,  Skype,  forum, social media post,  phone call.

Ss: repeat the words after the teacher paying attention to the pronunciation.

Listen to the CD and check your pronunciation.

  • pronounces the words intelligibly.




35 min



Task 1. Match the words in the box with the pictures. Which pictures are missing?   “Make them guess” strategy.

  • matches  the forms of communication 
  • finds the missing words
  • checks their answers  

Assessment: Hand signal”

Task 2. Read the comments and find out one of the form of  communication.   “Pass the chalk” Strategy

  • reads the comments
  •  names means of communication

Task 3. Learning conversations. Make up sentences and answer the referential questions. “Basketball question” Strategy.

  • makes up sentences and answers the question
  • talks  about communication with a  partner

Assessment:: “Traffic light”

Task 4. Discuss  the topic “Smartphones are a waste of time” 

 Collaborative learning  “Debate” Strategy.

  • shares opinions
  • gives reasons for their opinions

Assessment: “KWL”

Eyes open Students  book  on  p.17, exercise 1.




Eyes open Students  book  on  p.17, exercise 3.



Eyes open Students  book  on  p.17, exercise 6.

A ball



Eyes open Students  book  on  p.17, exercise 6.


3 min.

Answer the questions “Hot chair” Strategy.

Assessment “Self – evalution”





Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links


Task 3. Learning conversations. Make up sentences and answer the referential questions. “Basketball question” Strategy.

  • makes up sentences and answers the question
  • talks  about communication with a  partner

The pre-assessment will give teachers an indication of individual student levels

T: Asks students to stick them on traffic light criteria.

Stick green if you well understood the lesson.

Stick yellow if you something realized.

Stick red if you nothing learned.

Lesson will be delivered in accordance with health and safety standards.

Physical training lesson.


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