Өлең, жыр, ақындар

Қазақстанды компьютерлендіру

Ниетбаева Бану Батырхановна
Жаркент гуманитарлық-техникалық колледжінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің оқытушысы

«Шетел тілі» пәнінен «Қазақстанды компьютерлендіру» тақырыбында қысқы мерзімді жоспарлау

Short term planning

The group:


The date:


The subject:

The English language

The theme:

Computerization in Kazakhstan

Main idea:


To show the learners’ first steps  in mastering English


The objectives

To present new topical theme about computerization in Kazakhstan ;

To develop students’ listening, reading, writing and speaking abilities

To bring up to work in mini groups

Assessment criterion

All students:




Individual students:

Can  understand and use the vocabulary of the theme

Can ask and answer the questions according to the text

Can analyze the text and speak on the advantages and disadvantages of the computer


The Plan



Teacher’s action

Students’ action



3 min


The beginning

Organization moment



Psychological training

The teacher greets her students

-Good morning!


-Look at the board. We have a flower but without buds. You should choose one of pink, yellow, and green, orange and write down your name and glue your bud on the flower.

Pink –you will be active at the lesson

Yellow - you will be luckyat the lesson

Green - you will be purposeful at the lesson

orange -you will be talkative at the lesson

The students react to the teacher’s salutation


The students  write down their names and glue their buds on the flower.





Interactive board, balloons


2 min


Division into subgroups


The teacher asks to choose pieces of papers with pictures


The teacher gives the task to compose rules for team work

Make their choice concerning the teams.

The students are divided into 3 groups

Form rules for team work

Papers with pictures

2 min





Defining the lesson’s theme



Shows the video and asks to guess the lesson’s theme

-Now students watch this video and say: “What is the topic of our lesson today?”


Watch the video and share own suggestions



Video material


10 min

Actualization of knowledge

Presentations on the themes

Parts of a computer

Computers in our life

Using computers in different spheres

The mini-groups present their work


5 min




The middle Listening


Completing questionnaire


The teacher gives the task to listen to the interview

Page 115

The teacher asks to complete the questionnaire and then share lists

(mutual assessment)

The students listen to the given interview and complete it



Track 51

Students’ book

Exercise 3, page 111




10 min



Presentation of the new theme

“Computerization in Kazakhstan”



Work with new topical vocabulary The teacher gives the text and asks students to give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations from the text

   - Устройство-
   - Работать с информацией-
   - Всемиртная сеть-
   - Будущее общество-
   - Ключевая роль-
   - Создание сильной компьютерной базы-
   - Образование и наука-



The students introduce with the text and find equivalents of the given words and word-combinations



Presentation of the text



8 min


“Revolving stations”

Team work

The teacher gives the teams members posters with tasks

The students defend their posters on the topics

Posters, markers, pictures, stickers

3 min

The end




The teacher asks the students to complete the “Fishbone” with the advantages and disadvantages of using computers

The teacher comments and concludes


The students define and fill in the “Fishbone”  and speak



2 min

Assessment and hometask


The teacher values each student individually according to their activities during the lesson and comments 

The teacher asks to choose one of the machines: computerized fridge, computerized car, domestic robot, computerized house

Draw a picture of it and then write notes.

Example computerized fridge

1.    What it does: speaks to you, phones shops to order more milk, eggs, etc.
2.    Advantages: more convenient, less work.
3.    How it works: you tell the fridge what you want!




Appendix 1

Listening. Tapescript

Girl: Can I ask you some questions, please?

Boy: Year, sure.

Girl: Are you interested in computers?

Boy: Er, no, not really no.

Girl: When do you use computers?

Boy: Well, we’ve got a computer at home, and I use it for homework. My parents use the computer for e-mail, but I don’t. My friends haven’t got e-mail.

Girl: Do you think computer are important for your future work?

Boy: Yes, I’m sure they are. I want to be an architect, and I need to work with computers…



1. Are you interested in computers?

Yes                               They’re OK                                    No

2. What do you use computers for?

playing games                                                   surfing the net

doing homework                                               shopping on the net  

doing work at school                                         sending e-mail

3. Do you think computers are important for your future work?

Yes                                                               No

Questionnaire                                   Name______________

1. Are you interested in computers?

Yes                               They’re OK                                     No

2. What do you use computers for?

playing games                                                   surfing the net  

doing homework                                                shopping on the net  

doing work at school                                     sending e-mail

3. Do you think computers are important for your future work?

Yes                                                           No

Appendix 2

The text: Computerization in Kazakhstan

Computer is a device that works with information. For its work it is necessary to develop and insert special instructions called “program”.In 1952 the computer network Internet was created in the USA (firstly for military use). Then Internet became the worldwide network that integrates all computer systems on Earth.In the XXI century the computers will play the key role in the formation of the future society where information will be the main value.

That is why the President’s program “Kazakhstan-2050” needs the creation of a strong computer basis in all spheres of science, management, education business medicine, culture and sport.The Ministry of  Education and Science of Kazakhstan informs that 98% of schools of  Kazakhstan are connected to the Internet. Kazakhstan has been providing schools with multimedia and language laboratories since 2005.

The system of online learning is introduced in educational institutions on the instructions of the President of  Kazakhstan. 3571 schools were provided with interactive boards over the last three years.

The interactive boards functions in three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English.

By 2020, the state will get 83 000 tablets for schools but these devices will not fully replace textbooks as in the USA and Japan.

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Psychological training with balloons

C:\Users\БАНУ\Desktop\computers 109 gr\открытый урок 109гр\20161026_130514.jpg

Mutual assessment

C:\Users\БАНУ\Desktop\computers 109 gr\открытый урок 109гр\20161026_123119.jpg

Work with text



C:\Users\БАНУ\Desktop\computers 109 gr\открытый урок 109гр\20161026_122751.jpg

Self assessment

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