"Eucating the mind without educating the heart is no educating at all" Aristole.
My educatiin is my life, because it helps for ours future.Knowledge is bring me a new possibility.I have to develop my motherland.I believe, that young people of Kazakhstan strive to improve yours country.Teachers always to show an affable way, helped to choose right decision, wake up ours demand.They deligently have to teach students.I want to tell you about my best teacher.Her name is Kantkul Dauzhanova.My teacher prepared me all of the wonderful things.Sometimes I ask any questions yourself:"Education will change me for goodness.Why my teacher pointed your pupils a warmth?" Because they like your profession, want to educate a well-bred, intellectual graduetes.Thanks to my teacher! Owing to theirs labour, I won a lot of competitions and I participated any of forum.I understood, that to be educational human-the light and right way!
I am studying at school now.And in this year I will graduate the school.At first I want to tell you about my first teacher.
The 1-st of September.In a 2009 year.I was a little girl.I saw my school at first.My first teacher's name Indira.In autumn we played a lot of games, drew pictures.I understood, that this year was a lucky year to me.Because I acquaintance with new friends.I don't forget this year!
November.A last month of autumn.In ours region will be competition.I participated this competition.My teacher believed me.I was a very shy girl, but I liked the dance.And I was take a top place.They are my memorial childhood, because I took a best moment with my first and beloved teacher!
I want to desire my teachers: I wish you new beginnings, I hope, that your students will bring a pleasure to work.They are in my heart.
Wish you patience and warmth,
Kindness, lucky, rewards.
For your work, for your care,
Every time, everywhere.
For your diligence, kindness, insight,
We tell you:"Thanks! And wish you good luck.
Let your life will be calm, happy, bright,
Always have courage, wisdom, and pluck!!!
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