Өлең, жыр, ақындар


Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ

Филология және әлем тілдері факультетінің 1-курс магистранты Қадырқұл Алтынай

Жетекшісі – ф.ғ.к., әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ доценті Жанатаев Д.Ж.


Since ancient times it is known that the teaching of a foreign language can not be complete and comprehensive, without reference to the culture of the country of studied language. Since the end of the 19th century, acquaintance with the realities (objects and phenomena inherent in a certain stratum of culture) as part of the educational process ranks among the most important with the teaching of oral speech. Any language has its cultural heritage. Therefore, language teaching shouldn’t be limited to a certain set of rules.

Learners who study a foreign language have to master a number of competences: linguistic, pragmatic and sociocultural. Sociocultural competence includes context, stylistic and cultural appropriateness and non-verbal communicative peculiarities.

Formation of socio-cultural knowledge and skills means

  • expansion of the volume of linguistic and regional country knowledge at the expense of new topics and the problems of speech communication, taking into account the specifics of the chosen profile;
  • the deepening of knowledge about the country or countries of studied language, their science and culture, historical and contemporary realities, public figures, the place of these countries in world society, world culture, relations with our country;
  • expansion of the volume of linguistic and cultural knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the adequate use of language means and the rules of speech and non-speech behavior in accordance with the standards adopted in the country of the language being studied.

Thus, sociocultural competence plays one of the most important roles in modern education. This type of competence implies overcoming xenophobia and existing stereotypes, as well as fostering tolerance towards people of another language and other cultures. In English lessons, sociocultural competence is formed by familiarizing students with the national cultural characteristics of speech behavior and the realities of English-speaking countries: customs, rules, norms, social conventions, rituals, social stereotypes, regional country knowledge.

Socio-cultural competence implies the knowledge that the language can be a means of transmitting the country's cultural experience, a reflection of historical changes, as well as knowledge of the norms of speech behavior depending on the communicative situation; implies the ability to detect nationally-marked vocabulary in texts of different styles and to understand their meaning.

The term «socіo-culturаl competence» is considerеd as the formation of skills to demonstrate the native culture and the culture of a foreign language in іntercultural communication, the assimilation of the national аnd cultural component in the learning of a foreіgn language. The process of the socio-cultural competence and its formation is аble to increase the motіvаtion of students for studying of a foreign language that will reіnforce the quality of theіr knowledge.

In Kazakh methodological scіence the cooperation of languаge and culture іs considered in the works by Kunanbayeva S.S. Developed in the native methodological scіence, the methodology of lіngua-cultural of modern foreіgn language education puts forward as the goal of education in the formatіon of the «subject of intercultural communication», while «the language and culture are as an integral part іn the process of cognition».

Any foreign language should be taught as a phenomenon of social and cultural reality. Special attention should be given to the formation of learners’ communication skills, cultural competence and positive attitude towards another culture. The development of sociocultural competence in language teaching supposes a communication-oriented approach. Sociocultural competence anticipates the knowledge of another culture, respect and tolerance towards others.

Sociocultural competence includes a deep-rooted knowledge of everyday-life situations, values and beliefs. The best way to develop sociocultural competence is to immerse in the natural language environment and communicate with native speakers. As a rule of thumb, the absence of language environment can be compensated with authentic materials (real-life materials that weren’t created for educational purposes). These materials:

—give examples how the language is actually used by native speakers;

—provide authentic cultural information;

—help motivate learners master the language as they feel they learn “real” language;

—help bridge the gap between the language taught in the classroom and the language used by native speakers;

—prepare for “real” world communication.

Authentic materials can be taken from the Internet, TV programs, movies, songs, magazines, periodicals, horoscopes, menus, brochures, bills, postcards, tickets, stamps, etc.

The communicative function of a language is to provide intercultural communication, but sometimes the participants of communication are not able to understand each other, despite the fact that they use the same linguistic structures. This is explained by the fact that the means of language chosen by communicants are built on the basis of different socio-cultural structures. Pochinok T. V. suggested that the achievement of mutual understanding in intercultural communication can be achieved by creating a common communicative-pragmatic space.

One of the key moments of sociocultural competence is the readiness to compare countries and their historical development, cultural level and features of people inhabiting a particular territory. It is also very important to explain to students how important it is to respect other cultures, customs, and foundations, and to show tolerance towards members of any nation. Being a worthy representative of one’s country and its culture and being willing to anticipate difficulties on the part of the audience is also extremely important. And at the same time it is necessary to be able to defend one’s point of view and find the necessary arguments, respect the partners, but not depend on their opinion.

As a result of consideration of this issue, it should be noted once more that it is difficult to overestimate the formation of sociocultural competence in English lessons. Thus, to feel at home in a global world, a graduating student has to possess a number of competences from professional competences in science and technology to foreign language competences. Foreign language knowledge helps understand your own language and culture, promotes intercultural communication, provides access to foreign scientific literature, opens doors to international education and understanding of other people.



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  4. Сафонова В. В. Социокультурный подход: основные социально-педагогические и методические положения // Иностранные языки в школе. 2014. №  11. с. 2–13.
  5. Kilickaya F. Authentic materials and cultural content in EFL classrooms. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/KilickayaAutenticMaterial.html. (accessed February 27, 2015).
  6. Починок, Т. В. Формирование социокультурной компетенции как основы межкультурного общения // Иностранные языки в школе. — 2007. — № 7. — с. 37–40.

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