The western edge of Kazakhstan is bordering by the Caspian sea, which gives the republic recognition as a sea power country. The Caspian sea is acknowledged as the largest lake on the globe, but for the size it was since ancient times it was called sea – Avar sea, East sea, Hyrkan sea, Khvalyn sea, Khazar sea.
The Caspian Sea is washing the shores of several countries northern and middle territory of the sea belongs to Kazakhstan, total of 270 thousand square kilometers which is more than half of the area of the whole sea. Two large rivers, Volga and Ural flowing into the Caspian Sea, carry most of the fresh water into it, which reduces its salinity by more than twice compared to the salinity of ocean water. The sea is famous for rich fish stocksnencountering about 80 species. Commercial species of fish are well represented, such as beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon.
Between the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea lies the most amazing region with its wild beauty ready to compete with the greatest canyons of the Colorado River in the United States. The name is the Ustyurt plateau, enclosed by steep cliffs, so-called chinks, in some places these cliffs reach a height of 300 meters. The landscape of Ustyurt plateau is very strange, moon-like. In the valleys there is a continuous chaos of concretions from large to small, from round to angular. A few springs are scattered along the chinks. This is the areas where life flourishes, most of animals and plants could be found in such places. Giant impregnable cliffs rise up over the valleys cascades, and everywhere at their footsteps are the outcrops which looks like yurts, domes, towers, remains of castles, cities and even ships.
The animal and plant world of these places is also unique. The large animals in the deserts are represented by goitered gazelles, the most ancient antelopes the saiga antelopes; Ustyurt mouflons, close relatives of mountain argali are often can be seen along the chinks. Occasionally Ustyurt are visited by honey badgers quite exotic guest from the south. There are a lot of endemic species among desert plants species.
The plain on the border of the Atyrau and Aktyubinsk regions attracts attention by the unusual remnants of limestone mountains, eroded by constant winds. Surrounded from the piercing steppe winds with huge white walls, in the canyons the wind is constant, howling in the crevices of the rocks. Wind, water, sun and frost created a huge number of un- usual natural sculptures from soft limestone. In addition to various festooned towers, spires, and walls, there are absolutely unique figures: a rock resembling a chess pawn, due to its size, is called the chess queen. Another remains are similar to the ruins of an ancient Greek temple. The remains of the shells crunch underfoot, reminding that once there was a huge sea. In addition to shells, there are many shark teeth and petrified remains of sea urchins, squid and other sea dwellers. This is an amazing, although a small plateau called Aktolagai. Around the plateau, extensive clay sites after the spring streams turn into absolutely smooth flats which called takrys. Canyons are full with numerous predators, both feathered and quadrupeds. A lot of small animals such as gophers, jerboas, mouse-like rodents.
Ustyurt plateau is located between the Caspian and Aral Seas, semi-desert, fairly high, precipitous and completely flat. In some places these cliffs reach a height of 300 meters. The local name of these precipices is chinky. It is interesting that many geographers believe that the existing border between Europe and Asia is not entirely correct, suggesting that the border should be crossing Ustyurt chinks. Here is how it is described: Caspian lowland was formed millions of years ago, when the Caspian Sea washed the western edges of Ustyurt plateau. Therefore, most likely, the border between Europe and Asia should be considered by the edge of this geological formation. A unique place, called Boszhir, is a section of the western part of the wall of Ustyurt plateau. Boszhira is a place resembling another planet, the local landscape is so strange. Giant impregnable white, reddish and layered cliffs rise up over the valleys cascades, and everywhere at their footsteps are the outcrops which looks like yurts, domes, towers, re- mains of castles, cities and even ships. A stunning impression of the rampant imagination of nature remains with traveler for quite some time. Some of the outcrops are huge in size and look like separate mountains. In general, whole fields of incredible sculptures, the author of which is nature. Ancient and mysterious land of Ustyurt. As a reminder that it was the bottom of a gigantic sea deposit of shells, fragments of sea urchins, shark's teeth, which can be rather large are scattered everywhere. And the sharks themselves so called Megalodons were not small at all, up to 20 meters long, real submarines.
The Caspian Sea is recognized as the largest lake on the globe, but for the size it was since ancient times it was called sea Avar sea, East sea, Hyrkan sea, Khvalyn sea, Khazar sea. Its final name was given to the Caspian Sea by the name of the Caspian tribe, who once lived on its shores. Although the Caspian Sea has no connection with the world's oceans, this is undoubtedly the sea. In ancient times over the territory of Asia the waves of the huge ocean of Tethys splashed. Two large rivers, Volga and Ural flowing into the Caspian Sea, carry most of the fresh water into it, which reduces its salinity by more than twice compared to the salinity of ocean water. The sea is famous for rich fish stocks encountering about 80 species. Commercial species of fish are well represented, such as beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon. Beluga sometimes reach weights of 600 and even more kilograms. Until recently, the Caspian Sea yielded up to 90% of the world catch of red fish and 95% of the world's best black caviar. And the caviar, extracted on the northern part of the Caspian Sea, by quality far exceeds the caviar, extracted on the south off the coast of Iran. This is due to the fact that the fish prefer spawning on the north side of Caspian Sea, where the salinity of the water is minimal.
4. Yakushkin V.T., Yakyshkin I.V. Eternity and moment
Danat Zhanatayev, Symbat Temesheva
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