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№4 облыстық мектеп-интернатының
9 «в» сынып оқушысы: Ильясов Сұлтан Жұмаханұлы
Жетекшісі: ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Ундаганова Гүлназ Алпысбайқызы
About English tutor
Hello! I’m Anna Saxby. I’m pleased to welcome you to the English lesson. I’m one of your English tutors of the Embassy School of English in Hastings. I’m 36. I come from Hastings in the United Kingdom. Hastings is a beautiful seaside town in the south of England. Now I work in Almaty at your school.
I have been a teacher for 6 years, I’ve met school children from different countries. I enjoy working with young people. I’ve visited the USA, Canada, Italy, and France. Now I’m in Kazakhstan. I have visited Astana twice. I love Astana. I love listening to music but I don’t play any instrument. I’m married and have two children. Now you tell me about yourself.
Ocean world: Whales
Whaes are the biggest animals in the sea. They are much bigger than any animals on land. The largest whales are more than 30 meters long.
They live in water, but they are not fish. They have warm blood and they breathe air through a hole in the top of their head. They can stay under water about an hour without breathing.
There are two kinds of whales. One kind has a big mouth, 4 meters in depth. It eats other large sea animals. This kind is called a killer whale. The other kind of whale is much larger than the killer whale. It has no teeth, but has rows of bone in his mouth. They have a very small throat. They cannot swallow anything larger than an apple.
Fast Food Restaurants
Fast Food Restaurants (FFR) are popular all over the world. In Britain also there are Fast Food Restaurants. The food we eat there is – hamburgers and cheeseburgers, a pie and a milkshake or coke.
These restaurants are not ordinary ones. There aren’t any waiters. You order your food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or a box. There are no plates, knives, forks or spoons there. You eat your meal. Then you throw bags and boxes and cups away.
FFRs are very popular with young people. They can eat very quickly there. They can eat when they want : FFRs are open from 10 a.m. to 12p.m.
FFRs are very cheap.
Going to Kazakhstan
It you come to Kazakhstan to relax, for entertainment, at weekends and on holidays you have a rich choice of places to relax.
In summer people can sunbathe at Kapchagai reservoir or climb mountains; go to Issyk –Kul lake which is in Kirghizstan or skate on Medeu. Some people prefer playing tennis, swimming or strolling in gardens and parks; some like to relax at resorts located around Almaty. Winter season offers skiing at the Shimbulak ski baze and skating on the Medeu skating rink or hiking in the mountains. Various festivals are constantly held in the republic featuring modern pop stars, classical music artists and ballet dancers. Numerous theatres, concert halls and cinemas offer entertainment. At night city life doesn’t stop: many restaurant, casinos and disco clubs are open.
Camping holidays
Camping holidays are very popular with young people. They are a cheap and easy way to see a country. But we should remember one important thing – we must take with us only the things we can carry in rucksack may get heavier.
We should start to pack earlier at least a day or two before our holiday.
Because sometimes many things are taken and when we get to the place we see that the most important things are forgotten – a match a tin- opener.
When we are travelling with friends some things can be shared and others must be taken by each traveler.
Abai Kunanbaev
Abaiwas a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer. He was born in Abai settlement near the city of Semei. His father Kunanbai was very strict. But his mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were kind, warm- hearted and good – natured people. They were good story – tellers, too. They told little Abai a lot of interesting stories, tales and legends of Kazakh people.
Abai went to a religious school at the age of 9.But when he was 13 he began to learn Russian and entered the Russian school in Semei. He liked to read books of great Russian poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov , Krylov. Later Abai translated their works into Kazakh and wrote a lot of masterpieces of literature. His poetry is very popular nowadays.
The Words of Abai have been translated into many foreign languages. Abai Kunanbaev died in 1904. Kazakh people are proud of their great poet .He is well- known all over the world.
Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley is among the biggest stars of the 20thcentury. He was born in 1935, in East Tupelo, Mississippi. His family was poor and in search of better life they moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
What influenced Elvis and his music? First, there was his mother Gladys. For his 11th birthday Elvis wanted a rifle, butGladys advised him to get a guitar. Then there were religious meetings he went to. They were highly emotional, with singing, gaspel music as well as prayers. Finally Elvis was influenced by the blues music he listened to over the radio.
Elvis become a truck driver. One day in 1954, he stoppedin at the Memphis Recording Studio and, just for fun , recorded a song. Sam Phillips ,head of the studio, heard the song and immediately recognized Elvis’s potential. He advised Elvis that he should take up singing for his career. On July 6,1954 Elvis made his first commercial record. He tried to sing ballads, country songs, but it was rock and roll that made him famous. Teenagers loved Elvis and rock and roll.
The King of Pop Music
He was born in August 29, 1958. He became one of the most popular actors of his time. His performances were unforgettable. Michael Jackson become famous at the age of 10 when his first hit “I want you back” appeared in 1969. But he wasn’t a typical teenager. In fact he had no childhood because his father made him work hard. There were many legends about him. Exotic pets, plastic operations, numerous scandals with the mass media increased his fame. But for millions of his fans he was always the king of Pop Music, one of the greatest singers, dancers, video makers and performers Pop Music has ever seen. Michael Jackson died in June 25, 2009.
Me and my family
Hi! My name is Daniel (though my friends call me Dan). I’m 14. I’ve got a Mum, a Dad, a brother, a sister, two aunts and two uncles, one grandfather and one grandmother who all live in Almaty. I’m the youngest. I think there are some advantages of being the youngest. Sometimes my brother tries to boss me around but it’s OK because I can sit up late watching video with him or go off somewhere for the day with him.
My hobbies are sports and music. I would like to have a younger brother; I want to have someone to have fun with, someone to take out to football with me. My brother Mike doesn’t always share my sense of humour and he doesn’t have time to play chess with me. He spends too much time with his computer.
But I confide in my elder brother like a friend. I have confided in him about many problems. He’s been through with the same, so he understands.
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