Өлең, жыр, ақындар

The world around us

Астана қаласы

№38 мектеп лицейі

Ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімі

Ермаханова Айдана Жамбылқызы





Date: 23.04.2014

Level: 9th form

Subject: English

    The theme of the open lesson: “The world around us”

    Purpose: Enhancing speech and mental activity of students



  1. educational: To familiarize students with the problems of the environment, improve the skills of speaking, listening, reading;
  2. developing: foster a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of the environment,  and love of the nature;
  1. Up-bringing: To interest to learning English; to teach to know foreign languages and respect all the nations.


              Visual aids: Interactive board, cards, slides, a ball made of papers, the pictures of environment, tasks from another book, etc.

              Method of teaching: Individual work, pair work, listening, level tasks, work with the text, writing task with self evaluation.

   Type of the lesson: generalization of knowledge

              Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Geography .


The procedure of the lesson.

   I.Org. moment.

                                                              a) Greeting: - Good morning, children!  

- I am glad to see you. How are you today?

                                                              b) Duty’s report:-Who is on duty Today?

                                                                                   - Who is absent?

                                                                                   - What date/day is it today?

                                                                                   - What month/season is it now?


T: Let's begin our lesson. Today we are going to speak about the world around us. And of course, it will be a very interesting lesson. We'll speak about foreign countries, different continents where these countries are situated, about people of different nations and nationalities who live in these countries. You'll also discuss ecological problems; speak about nature, about animals and birds that are in danger nowadays.

II. Work with pictures:

T: Look at this pictures, please.

Is this a beautiful?
Do you think that the children are enjoying nature?
Describe the picture, please.

P: It is summer. The weather is hot. We can see a beautiful place in this picture. Children are enjoying nature. They are running. The children are having a lot of fun. They are happy.

T: and what  about it?

P: We see what happens when people break rules. Litter is left. Flowers are pulled out. Trees are damaged. Fires are started. The countryside is spoiled.


III. T: And now children, please look at the whiteboard, here is one story and Symbat read please loudly and clear, other students please listen attentively.

         Once there was a wise old man. He could answer any question in the world. Everybody knew about him. One day two boys said, “We’re going to fool that old man. We’ll catch a bird, go to the old man and say, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” If he says, “Dead”, we’ll let the bird fly, and if he says, “Alive”, we’ll kill it.

           They caught a bird and they carried it to the old man and they said, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” And the wise old man looked at the young people and smiled. “It’s in your hands”, he said.


T: So, children, look at the screen, read the story and answer my question: “What is the main idea of this story?”

Choose the right answers:

  1. Our planet is in danger.
  2. Our planet will be in danger in the future.
  3. We can’t help our planet anymore.
  4. The future of our planet is in our hands.


  1. Our planet is in danger. 4. The future of our planet is in our hands.


T: You are right! Very good. Birds, animals, fish and flowers are still in our forests, in the sky, in the rivers. But if we don’t protect them, our planet will die.


Phonetic drill

You can see the word ,,The Earth‘’.  Tell me the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH’’, which come to your mind connecting with this word.

E – east, ecology,  environment, energy

A – air , animals , area

R – rainbow, river, radiation, recycle, reuse

T – tree, trash, temperature

H – home , hill , human, habitat

This is new words for you: environment, energy, recycle, reuse, habitat

Let's read them all together.



T: What for you means the word EARTH?


P:  The earth for me means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet: the air, the sun, the sky, the rivers, the oceans, all things around us are parts of our environment.

P: The first appearance of the light in the morning. Every thing is coming out to meet the Sun light. The  forests, rivers, lakes are feeling happiness at this moment. Flowers, birds, animals and people are filling themselves white a great power of the Sun. The flowers are showing their colours: yellow, red, white, orange, pink, violet. The birds are singing their songs.



IV. The next task is called "Let's choose a leader". Now I’ll explain the rules of the task. I’ll ask you 6 questions. The team which gives the most correct answers will be the leader of this part of the game. The questions are not very easy. So, be attentive, please.

- Thank you very much.



V. T: I’ll read you some optimistic and pessimistic sentences about future. If it’s optimistic raise your red card, if it’s pessimistic – the blue one.

  • People will cut down all the forests.
  • In future people will live longer, many diseases will disappear.
  • There will be no fish in the rivers.
  • We will be able to control the weather.
  • We will not be able to breathe without a gas mask on.
  • There won’t be any conflicts between people.
  • We will find new sources of energy.



VI. T: What the main problems of our earth are:

Water pollution , Air pollution , The land pollution.

You can see the short videos with these problems. How do you think which of these problems are more dangerous for us.


T: What can you say about this problem in our country?

P: Cars are the world's biggest air polluters.  Another serious problem is water pollution. Many rivers are dirty now. On the banks of the rivers there is a lot of litter. People leave bottles, paper, food after their resting.






VII. There are many proverbs  about the earth.

1) The people are rich, if the Earth is rich.

2) The Earth is the mother – who feeds everybody.

3) If the Earth does not give harvest, nobody gives us bread.

4) If the man belongs to the Earth , the Earth belongs to the man.

5) No bees, no honey, no work, no money.

6) There is no dinner without bread.

7) As the tree, so the fruit.

8) East or West home is the best.


T: And now tell me please what proverbs and sayings you have learned.


VIII. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words. We’ll give you 2 minutes! Now read the text aloud and check your ideas!

        The Earth is our _____________. We must take care of it. The importance of this is _______________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ______________ . Each of us must do everything possible to _____________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ____________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.


protect ,home, keep, pointed out, environment



        The Earth is our ___home__________. We must take care of it. The importance of this is ___pointed out_____________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ___environment____________ . Each of us must do everything possible to ___protect___________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ___keep__________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.



IX. Watch the video


Okay thank you, for your attention.

What can you say about these videos?

What actions we must do at home, at school, everywhere?


X. Warming-up. Singing the song.

Let’s have a break and sing the song “Imagine” by John Lennon.

After relaxing I want you to be serious and think about the problems of our planet.


XI. Drafting proposals, promises

T: How can you help to protect the environment? What rules must you keep? Children, look at the blackboard please. You can see a nice big tree. You can  see paper leaves in your desks. Wrote your promises to protect the environment.

            Now I want you to stick your paper leaves with promises on this tree. So go to the blackboard, read your promises and stick your leaves on the tree.

  • I promise to love the nature.
  • I promise to drop litter into the containers.
  • I promise not to cut down trees.
  • I promise not to drop litter.
  • I promise not to kill animals.
  • I promise to protect nature.
  • I promise not to pollute water.
  • I promise to help “Greenpeace”.
  • I promise to put garbage in garbage bins
  • I promise to plant trees  and flowers
  • I promise to make birds feeders.
  • I promise to clean parks, our school territory.
  • I promise not to make a fire in the forest.
  • I promise to protect animals and birds.
  • I promise not to leave litter in the forest


XII. The video about “Save our world”


XIII. Conclusion, giving marks, reflexion

       T: I am very satisfied with your work today. You get only excellent marks.You worked really well on this lesson. Thank you very much. We are all part of the natural environment. We need to think about our part in the environment. We should love the beauty of the nature around us.

It’s time to finish our discussion. Let’s summarize. Answer the questions.

  1. What does “environment” mean?
  2. What environmental issues can you name?
  3. What are the main problems?
  4. What should every person do to keep our land clean?

         In conclusion, I’d like to say that everybody should be responsible for his/her actions in order to make the world better. If we are conscious of your actions, we can take care about the present and future life of all living species in the world.

XIV. Giving home work.

 Organize a “Round table talk” about the environmental problems in our town. Divide into 4 groups on several points:

  • Car pollution
  • Animals ant birds
  • Vegetation
  • Litter pollution

Use photos, drawings, diagrams, slogans to support your ideas.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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