Өлең, жыр, ақындар

Sports day


Атырау облысы, Махамбет ауданы, Махамбет селосы
Е. Ағелеуов атындағы Махамбет орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі: Егізбаева Лена Алдабергенқызы


  February, 2016 

 The theme:

  Sports day

The aims:

1. Activity English on the theme,  talking  about favourite  sport and giving information about yourself, enrich topical vocabulary,  to practice pronunciation and consolidate grammar Present Simple Tense.

   2. To develop language skills and habits, logical thinking and  memory, to develop the intellect and cognitive capacities; lead the learning of all students in the classroom.

3. To teach students to associate with each other, to build mutually respectful relationship with students based on positive  attitudes, values and behavior,  to stimulate their interest to the subject.

Type of the lesson:



       individual, work in pairs/group, new teaching technologies




Kazakh, Russian

Visual aids:

    Pictures, slides, worksheets,  cards, IATS CD, evaluation cards, posters 

       and etc.


The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

a. Greetingb. Divide class into groups .

II. Brainstorming.  

A. Answer the questions (slide 1)  

1. Where are you from?

2. Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

3. How old are you?

4. Which class are you in?

5.  How many students are there in your class?

6. What is your favourite subject?

7. What is your hobby?

8. What sport do you go in for?


B.  Odd one word out and add one. (slide 2)

Small    Plane   Boring  Generous

         Castle    River    Trousers    Park

         Swimming   Camel   Tennis      Hockey

         Blackboard  Teapot    Desk   Window

III. How do we call people who:  (slide 3)

  • play football (footballer), tennis (tennis player);
  • go swimming (swimmer), jumping (jumper), running (runner), windsurfing (surfer), ride a bike (cyclist)?

IV. Describe the pictures. (slide 4-6)

Name the sports.

(basketball, cycling, figure skating, karate, football, parachuting, skiing, ice- hockey,skating.)

V. Complete the chart. (Slide 7)














Ice- hockey Gloves   Horse riding     Playground    Ball
Stadium    Racket    Park    Swimming   Net   Sport centre     Pool   Boxing    Trainers beach    Skating - rink     surfing

VI.  Speaking. “Sport in my life”  (slide 8-10)

VII. Reading and speaking.  (slides 11-12)

  1. Read the conversation Ex 2, p 18 
  2. Answer the questions. 

Charlie: Hello

Mel: Hi! How was Sports day?

Charlie: Oh, not so good. What a disaster!

Mel: But you’re really good at sport! What happened?

Charlie: I ran fast and I won the 100-metre race.

Mel: Brilliant!

Charlie: My team swam well in the swimming race. We didn’t win, but we got a medal.

 Mel: Cool!

Charlie: I threw the javelin 28 metres and every one cheered.

Mel: Well done!

Charlie: I jumped 4.8 metres and I broke the school long jump record!

Mel: Wow, Charlie, that’s amazing!

Charlie: The last race was the obstacle course.

I didn’t see the rope and I fell over …  

  1. In which sport did Charlie win a medal?
  2. How far did Charlie throw the javelin?
  3. How far did Charlie jump?
  4. What was the last race?
  5. What happened to Charlie in the last race?

VIII.  Listening. (slides 13-14)

1. Listen to Dai

2. Choose the correct answers

1. Tapescript:

I live in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales Great Britain. The official languages in. Wales are Welsh and English. My family is Welsh and we   speak English and Welsh at home .

I learn Welsh at school.  Welsh people love sport. And our favourite sport is rugby. Some Welsh people also like football. But rugby  is my favourite sport.

1.Choose the correct answers.

Dai lives in Merthyr Tydfil in England/Wales.

His family is Welsh /English.

The official languages in Wales are English/Irish and Welsh.

Dai and his family speak English and Welsh at home/on holiday.

Dai learns Welsh/English at school.

Welsh people love music /sport.

Some Welsh people like cricket /football.

Dai’s favourite sport is football /rugby.

IX. Presentation of posters. (slide 15-18)

  1.  Complete the text with missing words.
  2.  Match and  make sentences.
  3.  Word mountain


1. Complete the text with missing words:  bare feet, net, popular, hands, beaches, rules.


Beach volleyball is very ________   game all over the world. But especially on the ______   of Brazil, America and Australia. These are the ________.

You play beach volleyball with ___________.  You can throw and hit the ball over  the  _____.   You can pass the ball. You can’t touch the net with your _____. 


2. Match and    make  sentences.

   Ski         in the mountain  

   play                                           the stars

   watch                                        a dictation

   use                                           to the  cinema

   cycle                                         basketball

   write                                          home on foot

   buy                                           a computer  

   go                                             a new pen     


3. Word mountain

Write a word mountain with these words:

  1. Colour
  2. Cities
  3. Things to eat
  4. Sports
  5. Feelings

(basketball, thirsty, cake, yellow, angry, football, butter, bored, Lisbon, Tokyo, cycling, hot, ice-cream, happy, running .)

  X. Rules  of  Sport (slide 19-20)


  1. Read and write about rugby.

 Rugby is a popular game in the UK. You play rugby with a ball, but a rugby ball is oval, not round like a football. Players can kick the ball but they can't head the ball. They can pick up the ball and run with it. They throw the ball to pass it to other players. But they can only throw the ball backwards. They can't throw it forwards. They can try to get the ball by pulling a player to the ground.

                                                                                                Football        Rugby

  1. Shape of the ball:                                                                 round
  2. Players can kick the ball:                                                      yes
  3. Players can head the ball:                                                     yes
  4. Players can hold the ball:                                                      no
  5. Players can pass the ball forwards:                                        yes
  6. They can pull other players to the ground.                               No


XI. Writing. My English File. (slide 21)

Write  some rules about sport or a game you know with can, can’t, have to.

XII. Make a dialogue about sport. Work in pairs. (slide 22)

ХIII. Relaxation. It’ s   fun. (slide 23)

“ Winter sports”

Name the winter sport.

а) Guess the puzzles.

b) Make sentenceswith the verbs.

c) Word order.

  1. Guess what kind of sports it is. 
  • It is a game for two   players who hit a ball with rackets across a net.  ____
  • It is a way of traveling or going on foot.  ____
  • It is a team game played with oval ball.  ______

          b) Win, play, run, swim

          c) Sport plays a great role in my life. I take part in local competitions.

XIV. Reflection  and  Evaluation   (slide  24)

     Did you like today’s English  lesson? Was the lesson interesting?

  • Which task was difficult?  Which task was easy?

(Evaluation cards)

 XV.  Giving marks and  home task .

  H/T: Write a short summary about your favourite sport.


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