Өлең, жыр, ақындар

My school day

Астана қаласы №58 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Жумаканова Гульнур Колканатовна.

Form: 8
The theme of the lesson: My school day.

The aims of the lesson: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage pupils in dialogue and to express their opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, readingand writing, grammar and lexical skills, to interest to the subject, to respect each other, to creation English atmosphere in the classroom. To educate pupils to be kind. 

Visual aids: pictures, video and photo materials, sing,  cards, text books.

The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative.

Methods of the lesson: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction.

The Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
1) Greeting.    A.short talk with the pupil on duty
2) Checking up pupils’ attendance

3)  Divided  into 3 groups.(subjects).
II.Checking up a home task
Exercise 1 p 117
III. Warming up.
All together it will be


Poem:The School

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, lets go in,

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?

-Ok children , now talk about your groups.

IV.Grammar: Indirect speech.

Автор сөзін өзгертпей тура мағынасында айту төл сөз деп аталады. Автор сөзінің тек мазмұнының айтылуы төлеу сөз деп аталады.Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге өзгерткенде шақтардың қиысу ережесін сақтау керек.

Төл сөз: қазір-now

Төлеу сөз: сол кезде-then

Төл сөз

Төлеу сөз




Сол кезде, содан кейін



That day

Сол күні



The next day, the

Келесі күні



Following day


Next week

Келесі аптада

The day before

Алдыңғы күні

Last week

Өткен аптада

The previous day

Бір күн бұрын

Last year

Өткен жылы

The next week

Келесі аптада



The following week

Келесі аптада



The previous week

Келесі аптада



The year before

Бір жылғы бұрын




Сонда, сол жерде


V. Introduction of the new theme: My school day.

-Tell me about your school and  your school day…

-Your school rulers….F/L: you must to wear your uniform.

Our school gives general education. When at school, children study Russian, Russian Literature, History and Social Sciences, mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and a foreign language. We have music lesson….

At this moment, now I think my school. My school is not far from where I live. It takes me 10 minute walk to get there.

School day: we have classes 5 days a week. Classes begin at half fast 8 and last till 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

VI. Lexica.

Mid-morning .In the sentence at 11 we have mid-morning break, when most of the boys and girls go out into the play –ground.

To go back inside. In the sentence on the play-ground they can play until it is time to go back inside.

Lunch. In the sentence nearly all school children in  England have their lunch at school.

To go outside. In the sentence in summer everyone wants to go outside in the sun.

Collect.In the sentence the children collect the books they need to do their homework and hurry to go home.

Empty. In the sentence  very soon after four o clock, the school is empty except for a few children and teachers?

Punishment.In the sentence one or two children have to stay behind as a punishment for a bad behavior.


Let s talk and  write about your school day.

VIII. Giving a home task and Evaluation.
Write about your school day.
Your mark is excellent
Your mark is good
The lesson is over. Good bye


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