Ақтөбе облысы, Темір ауданы
Темір қаласы, С. Бәйішев атындағы орта мектеп
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі: Амангос Молдир Саматкызы
English кітабы бойынша жоспар
Date: 03.09.2015.
Grade 2 “a, ә”
The theme of the lesson: “ABC-Party”
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: to form skills in speech, to enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme, to train new words and discussion an English lessons;
Developing: to develop pupils abilities in speaking through group work, communicative competence, to develop their creative abilities through different kinds of activities;
Bringing-up: to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds, to bring up the feeling of international friendship.
Methods of the lesson: training, communicative approach, explanation.
Type of the lesson: introductory
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, English
Equipment: Notebook, pictures, card, tasks, CD-R listening.
The procedure of the lesson
І. Organization moment (Greeting)
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
P: Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I’m glad to see you!
T: I’m glad to see you, too! How are you today?
P: We are fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m OK! Thank you! Sit down, please.
Warming-up (Sing a song ABC-listening)
Oh, well you see
Now I know the ABC.
ІІ. The Presentation of the new lesson.
Teacher: Dear friends! We have an unusual lesson today. Welcome to our ABC-Party. Let’s divide into 3 teams.Come to me and take the postcards, please. They’re on my table.
Cats Birds Dogs
T: Pupils, this is semitsvetik-flower. It has many colours. Let’s named it.
– What colour is it?
P: It is red… etc.
1 task. Barrel with letters and named them. Бочонок с буквами и называют их. Starза правильный ответ.
2 task. Footprints. На каждый свой шаг называют буквы англ. алфавита. Побеждает тот, кто первым пройдет до конца следов.
3task. Thingsthatstartwithletter … Картинки с изображенными на них предметами. Задача детей назвать букву, с который начинается это слово. Apple, ball, girl, dog, cat, ice-cream, lemon, sun.
Children, please, run!
Children, please, swim!
Children, please, jump!
Children, please, sing!
Children, please, dance!
Children, please, fly!
4 task. To ask about “My FAMILY”. Mother, Father, brother, sister.
5 task. The game is called “The Interview”. One pupil of each team will go to the blackboard and pupils of our class will ask him\her some questions.
6 task. Correct in order.
7 task. Numbers. 1- 10
Conclusion and Marks.
Teacher: Let’s count your stars. Your marks … Clap your hands, please! Well done. Thank you for your work. You were active, clever and friendly pupils.
1-10 Numbers learn by heart
Мен Китап окуды жаксы коремин
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