Қызылорда облысы Қазалы ауданы
№249 мектеп-лицейдің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Сералиева Динара Куанышбаевна
Teacher: |
Seralieva Dinara Kuanyshbayevna |
Date: |
February, 23 |
Grade: |
1 «V» |
Theme: |
Springtime in Kazakhstan |
Main idea: |
Students will learn the letter “Ii” Students will learn the spring words |
Aim of learning: |
Students will be able to learn the letter “Ii” Students will be able to write and read the letter “Ii” |
Сriteriа |
All students: |
Majority of students: |
Certain students: |
Students will be able to understand how to write the letter Ii; Students will be able to understand the meaning of the new words |
Students will be able o understand the meaning of the new words and they can make up words; |
Students will be able to understand how to read the new words; Students will be able to learn new active vocabulary and they can make up words; Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words and can differ them |
Stages |
Time |
Teacher’s activity |
Student’s activity |
Evaluation |
Resources |
I. Organization moment
Checking up the home task |
- greets with the students -checks up the attendance of students -pays students’ attention to the lesson - makes a good atmosphere: |
-greet with the teacher -act on duty -prepare for the lesson |
alphabet Cards with pictures
3 |
Teacher will ask new words of the last lesson by standing in a circle |
Students will say the words one by one standing in a circle |
\II. Introduction Lead-in |
6 |
Teacher will help to choose the picture from the basket
Students will choose one picture from the basket and connect it with the letter
III. The main stage
Working in pair Working in a group |
7 |
Teacher will introduce them the letter |
They should write the letter from the board
Ii ………………………………. Ii……………………………….. I……………………………….. i……………………………….. |
English book
English book
Pictures With cards
Unscramble words |
Teacher will introduce the students with new avtive vocabulary New words • Snowdrop-бәйшешек Association Teacher will give them a word without picture and they should to find them 1 - Birds Teacher will give to the students parts of the words and they should find other parts of the words |
Students will repeat after the teacher and listen from the audio player
Students will find the pictures and will say it in English
Students should make up words Pupils will repeat after audio player |
IV. Conclusion Homework Evaluation |
Teacher will conclude the lesson standing in a circle with pupils |
Students should say what they learned at this lesson. |
wishes |
circle |
V. Reflection / рефлексия
What moments were successful? Не сәтті болды? |
What moments were unsuccessful? Не сәтті болмады? |
What can be improved? Нені жақсартуға болады? |
What kind of skills could I develop? Мен өз дағдыларымда нені дамыта алдым? What can be changed? Нені өзгертуге болады? |
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