Өлең, жыр, ақындар

Что? Где? Когда?

Шымкент қаласы
Жол-көлік колледжі
ағылшын тілі пәнінің оқытушысы Жұмабай Айгүл Әрілқызы

Тема занятия: «Что? Где? Когда?»
Цели урока:                   
1) Обучающие - обогащать словарный запас, развивать разговорную речь.

2) Развивающие - развивать креативное мышление, приобщать студента  к получению новых знаний и информации.

3) Воспитательные - воспитывать студентов патриотами своей Родины, воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре других стран.

Вид занятия: обобщение знаний (интеллектуальная игра)
Педагогическая технология: технология игрового обучения
Методика обучения: обобщение, систематизация знаний с применением новых информационных технологии.
Межпредметная связь: казахский язык, русский язык, литература, история, география.
Основные средства обучения: презентации Power Point, раздаточный материал.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор.

Организационный момент:                                                   
1. Приветствие
2. Объяснение правил игры
3. Выступление капитанов команд «My Credo»

I. Основная часть:
1. Первый тур – Домашние задание: Сочинение  на тему: “ Планета будущего”.
2. Второй тур - Решение кроссворда
3. Третий  тур- Викторина

II. Заключительная часть:
1. Подведение итогов
2. Награждение участников
3. Предоставление слова гостям урока
Ход урока:
Good afternoon dear guests, students, teachers. Welcome  to our lesson . We are very glad you have come to see our game “What? When? Where?”. First of all let me introduce the participants of our game. Meet them please. Let greet then with applause.

The first team is from the UK. The Captain is Mary(Мария)
The second team is from the Kazakhstan. The Captain is  Jane (Жадыра)
The third team is from the USA. The Captain is Alex (Абылай )

 Our honest and fair judge: ____________________________________  

Welcome  to our intellectual game. Before starting the game I`d like to ask  our captains about your credo. What`s your credo? Who will be the first to speak please.
Thank you. I am very proud  of our students.

• Now I have some words about the rules of the game: The game consists of three stages.
• The first level is  home work on the theme: The Planet in Future. The limit of the time is 2-3 minutes.  
• The second level is the game, which is called  “ Find the word”   
• The third level is: Answer questions. The question will be from the different spheres of different countries.  Let’s  start our game.
Now the first round: Well the home work “Planet in Future”
The First: The team from the UK
The Second: The team from the USA
The Third: The team from the Kazakhstan   
Now our judges please count the scores.

In the second round: The students take an active part in game: You must find the  hidden words in crossword
Now our judges please count the scores.

The  third round: you can choose any questions in the following branches literature, history, geography, art. Let’s begin
1. What place does the USA take on the size of territory? (the 4 place, after Russia, Canada, China)
2. What is the population of Kazakhstan (About 17 mil.)
3. The question is on radio! Switch on the TV, radio – cassette.
Watch the fragment attentively.
The questions: Where is Great Britain situated?
What parts does it include?
4. What is the greatest state in the USA? (Аляска)
5. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14 regions)
6. Name the capitals of the UK?
7. On what river is London situated? (The Thames)                 
8. How many states in the USA? (50)
9. What is the highest mountain in Gr. Britain? (Ben Nevis)
10. Name the regional main cities in Kazakhstan?
11. What is the longest river in Kazakhstan? (Иртыш)
12. What is the longest river in Gr.Br? (The Severn)
13. What is the Tower of London? (It was a fortress, prison, palace now it is museum)
14. What countries does the USA border on? (Canada, Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean on the East, the pacific Ocean on the west).
15. What is the longest sea in Kazakhstan? (The Caspian Sea)
16. What do you know about Houses of Parliament? (It was designed by sir Charles Barry. It is the place where the English Government sits )
17. Name the smallest US state? (Rhode Islan )
18. What is Big Ben? (Biggest clock bell. It worked in 1859)
19. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

1. When did Kazakhstan become  independent country (1991, 16 December)
2. When do we celebrate in Kazakhstan the day of Republic? (25 October)
3. How many parties are there in the USA (the two parties – The Republic The Democratic)
4. When did the Roman period finish (in 410 – 430)
5. When do the citizens of the USA have right to elect  ( When they are 18 )
6. When did N. Nazarbaev become the President of Kazakhstan?   ( in 1991 )
7. On October 21, in 1805 The English Fleet defeated combined fleet of France and Spain who was the commander (Admiral Nelson )
8. When Astana become the capital of Kazakhstan (in 1997)
9. When did Kazakhstan become the member of the united Nation Organization center  the 2nd March 1992
10. Name the heroes  of  Kazakhstan in the 2nd  world war (Б.Момышулы, Ә.Молдағұлыва, М.Маметова)
11. What is the political system of Great  Britain (monarchy)
12. How many houses does Parliament consist of? It consists of 2 ( House of Common House of lords)
13. Who is the queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth the secord)
Do you know about her family Tree  
1. When was M. Auezov born. Name his famous works. (In 1897, Абай жолы, Каракөз)
2. Name the largest library in the USA. I Library of Congress)
3. The question on video-cassettes. Switch on the TV- set Watch and listen please.
Question is: where was Shakespeare born.
Now mane plays did he write? Name them.
4. Name the famous books by Mark Twain? (Tom Soyer  Hichelberry Fin)
5. Which American writer of the 19 th century is said
to be the founder of the detective ganre. (Edga Alan Roe)
6. Name the famous novel by Daniel Defo. (Robinson Cruso)
7. How many years did Djambul Djabaev live (99)
8. Who was the friends of Shokan Valihanov.
9. Name the famous books by Abai Kunanbaev. (Слова назидания, Айттым сәлем Каламқас, Көзімнің қарасы)
10. In what novel did Jack London write about his life (Martin den)
11. Who was the author of the Adventure of Sherlock Holmes and doctor Watson?  (Артур Конан Дойл)

Listen to the music and say.
1. Who are singers of the song, what is the song. (Битлз, Yesterday)
2. Who was the king of the Kazakh waltz  (Ш Калдаяков)
3. Who the second winner of the super star kz. (Кайрат Тунтеков)
4. Now we have some fragments from his staying. Listen and enjoy the song. Where was he from, how old is he? What is about the song?
5. What do you know about Dina Nurpeisova? (She was the famous Kazakh composer)  her works are “Той бастар” 16 год, “Қара қасқа ат”.
6. Who are the authors of our hymn? (Жұмекен Нажмедиов, Н.Ә. Назарбаев, музыка Ш. Калдаяков)
7. What do you know about Volfgan Mozart? Australian composer
8. Maiza Shamsudinova. What was she?(a composer of the 19th century) (Даланың әні, Бақша, Майра)
9. The main hero of the American film Titanic?
10. Where was Rosa Rymbaeva  born?
11. When did her profession began?

Thank you. Our judge must count all the score and now we can listen to the music and enjoy it.
Judge: All the members of the game were very active. But it is the competition  and of course there is a winners of the game and we rewards them
Список использованной литературы:

1. Жаркова Л.А.  Игровые физкульминутки на уроках иностранного языка / Л.А. Жаркова // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2010- №1. С. 24-26
2. Иванцова Т.Ю. Игры на английском языке / Т.Ю. Иванцова // Иностранные языки в школе. 2008. -№4. С. 52 -56
3. Конышова А.В. Игровой метод в обучении иностранному языку/ А.В. Конышова – СПб.: КАРО, Мн.: Издательство «Четыре четверти», 2006.-192с.

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