I. Object: English. Form: 5 "а". Date:
1.The theme of the lesson: Is there a swimming pool?Unit 6, Step 1. p 98.
2.The aim of the lesson:
а) Оқушыларға әр түрлі жаттығулар орындату арқылы оқу, жазу, сөйлеу әрекеттерін дағдыландыру;
b) Сабақ барысында әр түрлі жаттығулар арқылы оқушылардың ойлау және есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту;
с) Оқушыларды еңбекқорлыққа, тілді сүюге тәрбиелеу.
3. The type of the lesson: The learning of new knowledge.
4. The method: natural method, grammar translational method.
5. Equipment of the lesson: active board, pictures, additional material.
II. The plan of the lesson:
I. Org. moment: - Good afternoon children!
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- What is the weather like today?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
II. - Thank you! Let's begin our lesson!
- What was your home work for today?
- Let's check your home work!
Home task:Learn by heart the new words, read the text and Ex.10 p.95.
- Yes, are you ready for the lesson?
III. The repetition: - So, children we are revising the last lesson.
- Look at the picture and answer the my questions.
1. When does the little monkey usually have breakfast?
The little monkey usually has breakfast at seven o'clock.
2. Does the little bear get up at 5 o'clock?
The little bear does not get up at 5 o'clock.
3. What does the elephant do at 3 o'clock every day?
The elephant takes a shower at 3 o'clock every day.
IV. Phonetic training. Sing the Song.
Rooms Song(19 дорожка)
I watch TV in the living room,
The living room, the living room.
I watch TV in the living room,
Inthe living room.
I sleep in the bedroom,
The bedroom, the bedroom.
I sleep in the bedroom,
In the bedroom.
I have a bathin the bathroom,
The bathroom, the bathroom,
I have a bath in the bathroom,
In the bathroom.
I cook the food in the kitchen,
The kitchen,the kitchen,
I cook the food in the kitchen,
In the kitchen.
V. Presentation of the new theme:
- Now, open your exercise- book and write down the date.
The 26th of January, Monday.
Class work.
Is there a swimming pool?
VI. - So children now open your vocabulary-book!
- Let's introduce with new words!
- And copy out these new words!
living room -қонақбөлме (зал)
bed room - жатын бөлме
bathroom - жуынатын бөлме
cook- тамақ әзірлеу
kitchen - ас бөлме
library- кітапхана
canteen - асхана
swimming pool - бассейн
a yard - аула
trees - ағаштар
sofa - диван
chairs - орындықтар
-So, now open your exercise -book and write down these theme.
"There is / There are"тіркестері
Заттың, нәрсенің, атаудың белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын, бар екенін білдіру үшін жекеше түрде "there is", көпше түрде "there are " тіркестері сөйлемнің алдында қолданылады.
For example.
Болымды түрі There is a sofa. There are sofas. |
Болымсыз түрі There is not a chair (isn't) There are not chair (aren't) |
- Look at the picture.
- What can you see in this picture?
- Is there a swimming pool? - Yes, there is.
-Are there flowers? - No, there aren`t. There are trees.
- What is this room? - This is a computer room.
- What is this room? - This is a library.
- What is this room? - This is a canteen.
VII. Conclusion:
Choose: true or false.
1. There is a living room in Anar's house.
2. There isn't a bathroom in her house.
3. There is her bedroom in the house.
4. There isn't a TV in the living room.
Make the bricks:
There is a sofa in the living room.
There are two chairs in the kitchen.
VIII. Home task:Unit -6, Step1, p- 98. Ex- 15, p- 101
IX. Giving marks to the pupils:
I put the marks, for children who works best in the lesson.
X. -The lesson is over, you may have a rest!
- Good-bye children!
- Элиас Канетти
- Элиас Канетти
- Элиас Канетти
- Элиас Канетти
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