Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы
№2 мектеп-гимназиясының
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Кеулімжаева Базаркүл Елеуқызы
Form: 8 Ә.
The theme: “Mass Media in our life”
Aims: 1. Educational: To teach the students to speak about Mass Media.
2. Development: To develop the students’ skills in reading, writing and speaking.
3. Bringing up :To bring up students to be cultural, educational and clever person.
Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures, cards, a diagram.
Method of the lesson: Critical thinking technology, group work..
Procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment.: Greeting.
Good morning, pupils! Glad to see you! Sit down, please. At the beginning of the lesson let’s check up your home task.
2. Checking up the home task.
T: At the previous lesson we had taken the new active vocabulary according to today’s theme. Your home task was to learn these words . And now I’ll check it through the following task: (Slide)
Say and write it in a word:
1. Someone who is watching TV programmes.
P1: Viewer.
2. To provide someone or something with something that they need or want.
P2: To supply.
3. Formal discussion in which people try to search an agreement, especially in a business or politics.
P3: Negotiation.
4. A sudden shaking movement of the ground.
P4: Earthquake.
5. To rest and allow oneself to become calm.
P5: To relax. P1-P2-P3-etc.
3. New theme: Mass Media in our life.
T: Today we live in the time of information. Where can we get the information? What is Mass Media? Let’s speak about it and discuss it at our lesson. What should you do to be well informed person? What types of Mass Media do you know?
Types of the Media:
5. Questions for discussions: a) What is Mass Media? 6. Classroom Exercise III page 136. Look through the text, give the English equivalents to the following statements and translate them into Russian. P1: We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers. Мы все являемся слушателями, читателями и зрителями. 2. Біз өзімізге қажетті барлық ақпаратты газет, журнал оқып, теледидар қарап, радиодан жаңалықтар тыңдау арқылы аламыз. P2: We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV or listening to the news on the radio.Мы получаем нужную информацию в то время, когда мы читаем газеты и журналы, смотрим телевизор или слушаем новости по радио. P3: Newspapers, with their different kinds of news, can supply any kind of information. На страницах газет есть вся нужная информация. 4. Жастарға арналған газет, журналдар да болады. P4: There are newspapers and magazines for young people. Есть газеты и журналы для молодежи. 5.Көрермендер әртүрлі көрініс, кинофильмдер, спорттық ойындар, білімділік және мәдени бағдарламаларды қарағанды ұнатады. P5: Viewers are fond of watching different shows, movies, sports, plays, games, educational and cultural programmes and so on. Зрители любят смотреть по телевизору различные шоу – программы, кинофильмы, спортивные игры, образовательные и культурные программы. P1-P2-P3- etc.
7. Match the words with their translations. Viewer табиғи апат .(Work in a group of 3) Group A: Mass Media is the press, radio and television. Every day we read newspapers and magazines, listen to radio and watch TV. Nowadays there are so many newspapers and magazines, radio stations and TV channels that we have to be very selective and give preference to some of them. Group B: Mass Media is one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using Mass Media including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Group C: Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and inform people of current events. And magazine is one of the major Mass Media. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations. 10. Home work.To write essay “ Mass Media in my life” 11. Evaluation. Pupils evaluate each other.
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