Aigerim Smagulova 1 Roza Rakhimbayeva2
1 candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of diplomatic translations chair, faculty of international relations, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: aigerim_0715@ tel.: +7 701 167 4373
2senior teacher of diplomatic translations chair, faculty of international relations, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakhstan
The purpose of training in teaching English is to develop “the ability to communicate in English”. Linguistic competence and its component parts - grammar skills, take, from our point of view, the leading place in the process of achieving the main goal of teaching English - ability to communicate in a foreign language. Undoubtedly, that communication is possible only if the student shows the language competence, which is based on the grammatical skills. When we study grammar, we know the many secrets of the language. Different phenomena of language are considered in different areas of linguistics. For example, words in the language, the sum of all of them - in the field of lexicology, the sound system of the language - in the field of phonetics, word forms - in the field of morphology, and sentences with phrases - in the field of syntax.
Keywords: integrated learning, motivation, grammar methods
In the field of Education, democratization and humanization are being implemented in the country. English, along with the native language,not only improves the student's speech and overall development, but also teaches them a culture of communicating with people around them. Improving the student's ability to speak a foreign language is the main goal of the content of education provided at school, and in the process of communicating with the textbook and other students, the student learns all subjects. When we teach students a foreign language, we open the way to the culture of other peoples and world cultures, and we have the opportunity to communicate with other peoples.
In order for students to be able to communicate correctly in a foreign language, they must listen to the Spoken Word and understand the function of a foreign language – to educate, educate, and develop their personality and outlook on life, preparing students for the establishment of understanding, common vision with the people who speak the language they are learning. The content of knowledge on the subject of a foreign language includes topics, communication situations, texts, language materials; lexical, grammatical, phonetic, practical skills, Word manners, general reading skills that implement the effectiveness of educational activities. "A teacher is a teacher only when he constantly raises his knowledge. As soon as he ceases to study and search, his teaching ceases to exist" - in the wisdom of K. Ushinsky.
Today's society puts new demands on both the level of qualification and the inner world of a teacher, because today high expectations are expected from the generation of the XXI century. The main person in the school is the teacher, the main goal facing this teacher is to form a fully developed personality with a rich spiritual soul.
A well-known in the English teaching methodology is the fact that learning a language is composed of four basic components: listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is believed that the student speaks a foreign language, if he sufficiently learned various aspects of it: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. It is the teaching grammar that I wanted to focus on more, because throughout the teaching career, I have often had to face the fact that the students, having a good supply of vocabulary are unable to bind words into sentences.
We can say that none of the language aspects was for many years the subject of such intense debate and discussion, as grammar. Grammar is understood in different ways, it has played and continues to play different roles, not only in teaching native or foreign languages, but also in general in the education system of individual countries.
The appearance of grammatical exercises in the ancient world is associated with the name of Aristotle who referred to the language as an independent subject matter. It is thanks to Aristotle that grammar before our era became an independent area of expertise. The notion of “grammar” (Greek “grammatike”) originally meant “the art of reading and writing”. The emergence and development of feudalism in medieval Europe led to attenuation of those creative intentions that showed up during the heyday of the Greco-Roman civilization, the decline in the development of culture and science, which led to a scholastic approach to the language, with the exaggeration of the Latin language role as the only means of science and education. After the extensive acquaintance of the European society with the work of Aristotle, there appeared the logistic grammar and as a result logic penetrated deep into all spheres of intellectual activity. Logical-philosophical approach to grammar found its most vivid expression in the work of Petrus Helias. He proposed to establish the universal philosophical language on the basis of the Latin language that most adequately reflected the mechanism of logic simulation. Philosophical grammar ideas were later understood as a concept of universal grammar. These ideas are reflected in the book “General and Rational Grammar of Port Royal” [2] (originally Grammaire générale et raisonnée contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler, expliqués d'une manière claire et naturelle), whose authors were Antoine Arnauld and Claude Lancelot. “Free Art” in those years grammatika (Latin) was considered to be one of the components of any education and aimed at teaching the Latin language proficiency (and sometimes other languages), reporting information on philology, including reading texts, exercise gymnastics of the mind. Learning any language was conducted by grammar usually modeled according to the Latin one. Grammar was studied as a special subject and as an end in itself.
Since then and especially since the XIX century the concept of “grammar” acquired the new content both in linguistics and language teaching. According to the definition of linguists “grammar” signified:
It should be noted that in the XX century philologists and Methodists particularly often included into the concept of “grammar” different sections of the language science, such as word formation and phonetics, spelling elements lexicology, phraseology, style, or sections “Semantics, “Pragmatics” and others, which in turn were included into the grammar books in different languages. In the twenty-first century English grammar textbooks began to form their own special conglomerate, parts of which are aimed at different targets: grammar for different age groups and levels of education, for many types of grammar schools, grammar for people with different linguistic experience or having different professions, special communicative grammar The role of grammar often changes under the influence of several factors: the evolution of the linguistics theory, practical results, the impact of foreign language instructions, and the state policy in the field of education.
Unfortunately, we have observed the tendency to reduce the role of grammar in teaching foreign languages, particularly the English language. Many European teachers noted that the educational and developmental goals in training are not achieved due to the fact that students in the study of the foreign language traditional grammar do not understand the practical significance of the study neither the grammatical terms and concepts nor the purposes of grammatical analysis. Trend towards the elimination of traditional grammar training, including our country, appeared in the 60-70s after the appearance of the generative grammar theory by N. Chomsky [3], [4]. The language in his concept is the generating device supplemented by transformational model. Uncritical transfer of this theory in the methodology of the foreign language teaching in recent decades has led to an excessive reduction of the grammar role. The result is a significant increase in the number of errors and mistakes in the speech of students, which negatively affects the results of the language practical mastery. Based on the almost 20-year experience teaching of English in the non-linguistic universities, I can say that the problem of the grammatical skill formation is one of the most pressing. Grammar skill is inherently heterogeneous in its nature and thus calls for a holistic approach, addressing all its main aspects. Grammar skill is the synthesized action performed in skill parameters providing adequate morphological and syntactic design of speech unit at any level in the speech. More private actions are traditionally allocated in grammar:
Structure in our minds is associated with certain communicative tasks: for each task there are functional nest structures. But beyond that, the speaker selects a specific structure depending on extra linguistic factors: interlocutor, relationship with him, mood, situation and culture.
Choice of structure can be called a functional side skill. But there is a formal aspect - design. It affects the correctness in terms of the language and the speech speed. This side (design) is closely connected with both lexical sub-skills: calling the word and combination. That is why the form of grammatical skills is possible only on the basis of the lexical items in that the student is proficient enough.
As you know, grammar skills differ as much as different types of verbal communication (speaking, reading, listening, writing).
The speaking grammatical skill is the communicatively-motivated automated use of grammatical phenomena in speech. Grammar for correct shaping and form use can be called speech morphological skills (for example, formation of the verb personal endings). Those skills are responsible for the correct automated location of words in all types of sentences, defined as syntactic language skills.
Morphological speech writing skills are of more analytical (discursive) nature thanks to the specifics of the speech written form. Here it is possible to return to the already written, amend or modify the already created text.
Receptive grammar skills are automated actions on the revealing of the grammatical information in the written or sounding text.
There is another kind of skills that in the psychological literature refers to as the “mental” or “intellectual”: linguistic discourse analytical grammar skills. They are formed on the basis of grammatical knowledge and used as a background component mainly in writing, less in speaking. Language skill helps the speaker to control the correct performance of speech acts, and provides the correct variant finding in the mistaken implementation.
Formation of grammatical skills is a very complex and time-consuming process. I dare not to agree with the teachers who do not consider it necessary to teach the deep grammar of English. One of the most effective methods of teaching English grammar, I believe, is the method of tables that is implemented in teaching English in the “elite groups” of FSBEI of HPE “KSAU” in the institute of international management and education offered by its director, assistant professor Antonova N.V. [1]. The essence of this method is quite simple - you need to explain grammatical sections using a table, and all the material is supplied as a single unit.
Grammatical meaning is transmitted through grammatical forms.
The grammatical meaning of words and the grammatical form are closely related to each other, in unity. For example, the words Beautiful, good, bad mean the quality of a thing, its characteristic part. Grammatically, these words are both abstract concepts and refer to adjectives. In the process of learning, it is necessary to eliminate the contradictions between the meaning and grammatical meanings of such words, find and apply methods that clearly and qualitatively emphasize each other. Such methods and in what cases, how to use them, are established by the grammar method. Here, the methodology of grammar is based on the data of Psychological Science. One of the requirements of didactics is the consciousness of learning, that is, the conscious attitude of students to the lesson, the conscious assimilation of the material. To do this, the teacher should interest and attract children, teach them to observe, observe, compare the existence of their thoughts, find similarities and differences between one and the other, draw conclusions ,and generalize.
The task of training is not only to provide an explanation of a new topic, but also to develop the skills of stabilizing and firmly preserving the basic facts, definitions, rules in the memory of children. Then the dry benefit that it does not realize remains a little knowledge. Skills and abilities always require training work, the teacher sets a specific goal for children and looks at ways to achieve it; by analyzing complex tasks, he shows the skills of performing any activity. during the performance of the teacher's instructions, children learn to skillfully apply the techniques they have said and shown. .[6.29-33] In explaining the material, the teacher tries to clearly, systematically reveal and show the essence of the phenomenon being passed. Ready-made materials (for example, individual words: table, zoo, door, blackboard), guided by control letters, gradually create conditions for children to draw conclusions themselves. Here, the teacher revives the already acquired knowledge, asks questions, and so on, actively mixing children with new material.
In grammar lessons, inductive and deductive methods are used, depending on the students ' reflection and reflection on the material studied. The teacher once (in the case of inductive) explains the phenomena of language separately and draws a general conclusion to it; the method used from this line is called inductive. In the second case (in the deductive method), it is proposed to give a definition or a rule, and then apply it to a specific substance (analysis of a given word, sentence, or phrase), and give an example. The method used in such a way is the deductive method.
In each of the English lessons, you can test your homework, repeat the previously studied material, tell the subject and purpose of the new lesson and explain the new material, perform various exercises, exercises performed by the student independently, give homework, generalize the lesson. This type of lesson is called a combined lesson. The most common type of lesson is this joint lesson. .[7.29-33]
The new material will continue to be conducted both through the teacher's explanation method and through the conversation method. during the interview, questions and answers are used.
New material is brought to the consciousness of students through observation, interpretation, grammatical analysis, use of books, stories, etc. When these methods are used depends on the specifics of the material, the volume, and the purpose of the lesson. In the lesson of explaining new material, no special time is allocated for its approval.
In some cases, especially at the end of a certain large topic, a lesson is held to record the knowledge and skills acquired by students from the material passed. These classes, on the one hand, provide for testing students ' knowledge, on the other hand, are organized in order to repeat and summarize the completed material. Here, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of students are checked both orally and in writing. Exercise work is of great importance in teaching grammar. If you know the grammatical material in accordance with the textbook and program, but do not conduct training, it will not last long, it will be forgotten. Therefore, if the teacher wants to give a conscious and deep, stable and solid knowledge, he must learn the methods of training, which through training, training work form their skills and transfer the acquired skills to other similar phenomena of the language, grammatical exercises are divided into phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical [8.29-33].
The task of phonetic exercises is to ensure that children can clearly distinguish spoken syllables and sounds and pronounce them correctly and clearly.
The purpose of morphological exercises is to consciously master the morphological structure of the language for students. Morphological exercises in terms of content are of two types: 1) exercises in the process of reading the word personality, 2) exercises in the process of reading the word class.
Syntactic exercises are usually also accompanied by punctuation exercises: putting punctuation marks in the text, putting and explaining the necessary punctuation marks in the sentences and texts they are considering.
When working with lexical exercises, children usually use dictionaries. They translate many texts and perform other exercises.
Visual aids play a huge role in the formation of grammatical skills. The task of the teacher in the learning process is to develop children's clear hearing, perception and speech. With the help of visual aids, children speak for themselves, hear and perceive the speech of their comrades. Thus, the concept of" visibility " includes both clear pronunciation of words, expressive reading, sampling of examples, writing on blackboards, tablets, and notebooks.
Usually, visualization refers to the use of graphic or visual tools. Here the necessary letters or faces, words, sentences are written in a different color, underlined. Sometimes there are also those that are written on the blackboard, in students ' notebooks. Some words have the same pronunciation, and the translation and spelling are different. Students should be able to look at the table, compare similar and dissimilar phenomena, determine their relationships, draw conclusions from their observations, and get an idea of a certain rule.
As a visual aid, schemes are also used that reflect certain grammatical and spelling phenomena. For example: full, Useless, еd
Here, students are introduced to the fact that suffixes are: 1) diverse, 2) after the root, 3) create a new word.
Teachers should take into account the following requirements when creating visual aids themselves:
1) tables should not contain too much grammatical material.
2) there is no need to specify the rules and definitions available in textbooks, as well as texts in tables.
3) in addition to the words given in the table, you can give selected examples.
4) a word, syllable, or letter taught using a table should be highlighted in the table, and similarities or features should be compared and indicated with another element.
5) careful attention should be paid to the fact that the grammatical or spelling phenomenon being read does not remain in the table content.
6) you can continue to use many ways to graphically highlight letters, syllables, morphemes, and words. For example, to highlight a word composition with a hyphen, underline, display it in a different color, or in a different font.
It is necessary to use every minute of the lesson with savings. For this purpose, a systematic plan for classes is drawn up in advance, and various necessary equipment is prepared [9.29-33].
The role and importance of Education has increased in the years when the Republic of Kazakhstan joined the world community. The task of forming a highly cultured person of the XXI century poses new important problems for the school and society, where it is necessary to expand education. In general secondary schools, the content of foreign languages is determined and the requirements for it are clarified. By teaching a foreign language along with native and Russian, the teacher not only improves the skills and abilities of students to listen and understand, speak, read and write, but also teaches them a culture of communicating with people around them.
In order for students to be able to communicate correctly in a foreign language, they must listen to the Spoken Word and understand the function of a foreign language – to educate, educate, and develop their personality and outlook on life, preparing students for the establishment of understanding, common vision with the people who speak the language they are learning. The content of knowledge on the subject of a foreign language includes topics, communication situations, texts, language materials; lexical, grammatical, phonetic, practical skills, Word manners, general reading skills that implement the effectiveness of educational activities [9.29-33].
Summarizing all the above mentioned, we can say that the purpose of training in teaching English is to develop “the ability to communicate in English”. Linguistic competence and its component parts - grammar skills, take, from our point of view, the leading place in the process of achieving the main goal of teaching English - ability to communicate in a foreign language. Undoubtedly, that communication is possible only if the student shows the language competence, which is based on the grammatical skills.
Grammar, as a component of communicative competence, is the subject of intense discussion and debate. Although at present there is a tendency to reduce the role of grammar, we believe it is necessary to apply this approach to learning grammatical aspect of speech to introduce some kind of alternative to the current trend. Method of tables, in our opinion, will increase the efficiency of absorption of the language grammatical system, on the one hand, and will be aimed at achieving the goal - practical English proficiency, and the ability to communicate in English, on the other hand.
Used literature
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