Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ
Филология және әлем тілдері факультетінің 1-курс магистранты Қадырқұл Алтынай
Жетекшісі - ф.ғ.к., әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ доценті Жанатаев Д.Ж.
Korkyt-Ata remained in the memory of descendants as an exponent of the fundamental ethical values of Turkic peoples, their spiritual and philosophical quest, the evolution of their consciousness to new heights. These ethical values were created in the early religious systems, they were painfully long honed in the historical process, tempered in the crucible of endless wars and coups. The ethical ideas of Korkyt-Ata have survived to the present day; time itself has selected ideals of goodness and justice that have a universal character.
According to Kazakh legends, Korkyt-Ata's life was spent in the struggle with the forces controlling the world. According to the philosophy of the Turkic sage, death is the main evil and the struggle against it, the struggle for human immortality is the main goal of the thinker.
One of the legends tells how zhyrau, intending to deceive the angel of death Azrael, created forty of his doubles. Azrael found himself in a quandary, but the sky whispered to him that Korkyt is the first to blink. The angel of death, looking for Korkyt-Ata, wanted to take his soul, but the narrator's sister offered to take her own, which saved her brother.
The legend of Korkyt's death is also widely spread. It says that wherever Korkyt-Ata was, he dreamed of the same dream: several men were digging a grave for Korkyt. In search of protection from death zhyrau went to the East, to the West, he bypassed all possible and impossible places, but everywhere he met a grave dug for him with a fatal column, where was inscribed: "Are you running from death? You cannot escape it! Here is your grave! The hour of reckoning has come!" In order to escape from his fate, Korkyt got on a camel that was as fast as the wind, but died on the bank of the Syr Darya.
All his life Korkyt searched for the true value of human existence, wanted to break free from the usual chains of self-deception, not accepting the merciless alternative to life - death. He vainly searched for the antidote against it, creating various ways of compensation, forming in his psyche the corresponding symbolism, which is called the symbolism of immortality. Indeed, the legendary father of music and creator of song on earth Korkyt found immortality in serving humanity with the art he first created. Escaping from physical death, he climaxed in spiritual immortality, which allows him to seek and find answers to complex questions of sense-life.
Korkyt-Ata as a philosopher, soothsayer, musician and sage is a golden thread that links centuries in the Kazakh tradition of thought, it is an eternal source of inspiration for prominent representatives of Kazakh philosophy. Through this process, the legendary Turkic thinker begins to interpret our lives, acts as a living participant in the dialogue, as a confessor, and sometimes as an insightful psychotherapist who confronts modernity for the first time with its own bitter truth.
Әлеуметтік желілерде бөлісіңіз:
Жазбаға пікір жазуға рұқсат жоқ.
- Джон Максвелл
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
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