In the second semester, students transferred to the English department. The second important news was that they switched to an online learning format. Initially, they were uncomfortable with the new group. Many of them were already familiar with each other. And it was difficult for several students to make acquaintances, especially without meeting in real life. But as soon as they all met at the very first zoom meeting, talked, all the anxiety and misunderstandings went away. They all immediately became friends and became like one family. The first few weeks were not very clear for them. Everything was new, new teachers, subjects, requirements. The first condition is a lack of understanding of what teachers want from you, and it was also difficult to adapt to a new language of instruction. There was a feeling that they were lagging behind all the groups in the program. They didn't really understand the topics in English, Russian, or Kazakh. As one student remembers, they were sitting at the very first lesson and couldn’t really say anything, because they didn’t have enough vocabulary. They wrote a lot of new words, idioms and expressions, and also got acquainted with new materials and topics. In all subjects, they were asked to write new 10-30 words and 2-3 idioms in English in addition to the main homework. At first, almost all of their words were from presentations on which new topics were explained to them, and then they searched for words themselves, after which they began to complicate and increase their level of knowledge. Now they write down and learn the definitions, expressions, and thematic idioms that are often used in each lesson. And now, thanks to the teachers, their professionalism and patience, they feel much more confident and comfortable. For example, now they calmly listen to lectures in English, they can tell what was discussed, they can perform practical tasks in an organized and fast manner, express their point of view with ease, and define new words and phrases. They believe that in such a short period of time, they have succeeded in many ways and the desire to learn more and more has only increased. Thank you to the teachers and professors.
Калыбекова Ж.А ассистент профессора МОК, Беркимбаева С .К ассоц.профессор МОК
Әлеуметтік желілерде бөлісіңіз:
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- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
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