Өлең, жыр, ақындар

My university

In the 11th grade, I dreamed of entering the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. I aimed to get a high score in the national unified test. The test is over, I scored enough points for my dream. I was very happy. I came to Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National  to submit my documents.

I was surprised when I saw the inside of the town for the first time. The nature is unique, the beauty of the mountains is beyond words, and even when I saw that the educational institution has its own town, I was overjoyed. The most important thing is that I knew in advance that the university has a high rating. I felt inside.

When I arrived at the University on September 1, the teachers welcomed me at a very high level and showed me warm hospitality. А lot of information was given about the University,and we took a small tour.In general, there was a high level of support for young people who are just starting to see student life.

The first time I went to class,I was nervous.New environment,new friends, strangers in teachers.I learned that there is a periodic adaptation to go through all this.Yes, that's exactly what happened.However,it is not a lie that I am surprised that the qualifications and methods of teachers are at a high level.That is,these people introduced them to all new information,Terms and adapted them to a new life.

I got acquainted with various new things thanks to Univer.I realized the importance of time,the importance of foreign languages,how useful it is to use the capabilities of technologies.

I realized that reading books in the library is very useful,judging by the information on the internet.Thanks to the creative thinking of our teachers,we can discuss tasks in detail and create new ideas.This is just the beginning,I am sure that in the future I will reach even higher levels.

One of my goals is to go abroad through university programs. This will definitely change anyone's outlook on life. I will try my best to improve my education, return to my homeland and prove that the future is in the hands of young people. And for that, I do not regret choosing Al-Farabi Kazakh National.

Қалтаева Аяна,Тілеугабылова З.А.

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