Өлең, жыр, ақындар

How my daily life has changed at university.

In the last school days, I often thought about the upcoming student life. And so, having come to Al-Farabi University, I was surprised by its grandiose scale. Then I moved into a dorm and became a full-fledged part of this university.

Classes at the university are the same as at school, only now there is more freedom and independence. Now my grades are just my guardianship.
What really changed my daily routine was the dorm.  Life has become even more independent, but also more difficult.  No one will help you for free and you are responsible for yourself.  Everyday needs and problems that I had not noticed before rose before me.  Many things that I had not thought about before, I learned from life in the dorm.

Maybe I have less time now, but it has become much more interesting and fun than before.  There are often projects and events in the club, and in the dorm we live like a friendly family.

Konysbaev Azamat
1st year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and chemical technology of KazNU
Under the leadership of G.S. Kairakbaeva



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