At the Department of Foreign Philology and TranslationStudies of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Mussaly L.Zh. and 2nd year doctoral students Abdrassil N.S., Gabdkarimova G.S. organized a round table on one of the 17 sustainable development goals on the topic “Fighting climate change and its consequences” on the 1st February 2024. The famous guest Ph.D Waleed Ibrahim Shaer from Cairo University (Egypt) spoke at the event. A talented and professional scientist, Waleed Shaer, immediately captivated the audience with his special charisma and teaching abilities he told to the first-year students not only about climate change and its consequences in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world. He also compared our climatic features with Egypt and noted that Kazakhstan is one of the best countries in Asia in terms of climate for living and development in general. He showed a specially prepared presentation and explained the main causes of climate change and its consequences. The 1st year students asked various questions to our guest and shared their vivid impressions regarding the goal of sustainable development.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Laila Zhumataevna thanked Waleed Ibrahim Shaer. She said that climate change is a problem for all humanity and we must fight together for the common good and the future of all humanity.
2 nd year doctoral students of the Philological Faculty on the educational program
"8D02302 – Translation (Western languages)" Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Abdrassil N.S.,Gabdkarimova G.S.
Әлеуметтік желілерде бөлісіңіз:
- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
- Асқар Сүлейменов
- Асқар Сүлейменов
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