Маңғыстау ауданы, Шетпе кенті
Алшын Меңдалыұлы атындағы орта мектеп
Ағылшын пәні мұғалімі: Даулетбаева Нуртолкын Мергеновна
Theme: At the doctor`s
The aims of the lesson: Educational: speaking about doctor`s work, talking about illnesses and their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient
Development: developing the responsibility for one`s health and persuade pupils that a sound mind can only be in a sound body.
Cultural: bringing up them to love English languages
The type of the lesson: mixed
The kind of the lesson: demonstrative lesson
The visual aids of the lesson: active board
The Outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment
II. Checking up homework
III. Main part
IV. Giving homework and putting marks
V. Saying good-bye
The Procedure of the lesson
I. Greeting
II. Checking up homework
III. Main part
Today we`ll speak about our first and main wealth which is health, because we can`tbe happy unless we feel well. If I`m not mistaken I say work of doctor in our life, a a doctor`s advice can always help people. That`s why we talk about doctor`s job
At first we must introduce new words according to the new theme.
New words:
Tonsillitis-тамақ ауруы
To have eyes tested-көзін тексеру
Had better-жаксы болу
T: If we learn our new words you look at the active board. Here are some sentences for each sentences decide whether it was said by the doctor or patient .The 14 sentences come from two conversations that they have been mixed up can you sort them out? They start like?
1. I have had headaches.
2. It`s tonsillits.
3. What`s the problem?
4. Does it hurt when you swallow?
5. You`d better have you eyes tested.
6. When did they start?
7. I`ve got a sore throat.
8. About a month ago.
9. I`ll write you a prescription for antibiotics.
10. How are you?
11. Open wide and say “Ah”
12. You might need glasses.
13. Yes, I can hardly eat.
14. Watch my finger.
T: Pupils, good job! Let`s introduce our new text “Treating a patient” at first read and translate then you read
T: oh! All right pupils! Next task doing exercises according to the text. You must complete the chart using the text.
Theme: Treating a patient
Actors: Bolat and doctor
Place: Bolat`s home
Problem: He was running a high temperature . He felt sick and giddy. He had a headache and a sore throat
Diagnosis: the flu
Treatment: a prescription for some pills and mixture and a some tablets for his headache, take a tablespoonful of it three times a day
T: If you finished this task. Now ! listen to the dialogue between Tom and his teacher Miss White
Tom: Hello ! Miss White
Miss White: Hello ! Tom You weren`t at school last week were you ill?
Tom; Yes, Miss. I was in bed for four days
Miss White: Oh, dear, what was the matter?
Tom: I had flu
Miss White: Are you better now/
Tom: Yes, thank, you . Here`s letter from my mum
T: Now! Pupils read Tom`s mother`s letter at first complete it.
Dear Miss White!
_______ wasn`t at school______ week , because he was _________, He had _________.
Your sincerely, Mrs Barns!
T; Now! Pupils !good job !
T: Look at the picture! What`s the matter with children?
T: Pupils Today we learn about illness, doctors job and patient. We see many interesting things
Our lesson is over .Good –bye
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