Өлең, жыр, ақындар

Save the nature.

Урок английского языка в  9а,ә классах   учительницы Долайтинской С.Ш.

 Палтаевой Рахатбуви Зиявдиновны. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Theme  of  the  lesson:                      Save  the  nature.                                                                                                           Aims  of  the  lesson

Educational: The  formation  of  skills  in  oral  and  writing  speech, to  enrich  students  vocabulary  on  the  given  theme.

Developing: to  develop  pupils  abilities  in  speaking  through  pair  work  to  develop  their  creative  abilities  through  different  kinds  of  activities.

Bring  up: to  teach  pupils  to  save  the  nature  of  the  world  and  care  for  its  riches.

The  type  of  the  lesson: combined.

Equipment: the  globe, computer, interactive  board .

                                                  Procedure  of  the  lesson                                                                                                                                        I.Org.  moment: Routine  talk.    T-S

II .Phonetic   drill:  “ Don’t  kill  the  world 

                                    Don’t  let  the  Earth  down!

                                   Do  not  destroy  the  ground!

                                   Don’t  kill  the  world!                                                                                                              

                                   Don’t  let  the  Earth  die!

                                   Help  us  to  survive!

                                   Don’t  kill  the  world!

III. Checking  up  the  home  task  ex 13p 103

IV. New  theme: Our  new  theme  for  today  is  “The  world  around  us.  Save  the  nature.

V. New  words.

1. Environment – қоршаған  орта

2. To  pollute – ластану

3. To  destroy – құлату

4 To save – сақтап  қалу

5. To  protect – қорғау

Read  after  me.  Write down  these  words  in  your  vocabulary  copybooks.

VI. Reading  the  text  “Problems  of  the  world  around  us”.

VII. Speaking  on  the  text.

1.Why  are  the  people  worried  about  air  and  water?

2.What  have  many  people  thought  of  the  environment?

3.What  could  happen  if  we  don’t  learn  to  use  the  environment  carefully?

4.What  should  people  do  if  they  want  to  live  on  the  Earth?

5.Why  are  our  forests  in  danger  now?

VIII.Taking  care  of  nature  is  everybody’s  duty. What  should  we  do  and  what  shouldn’t  do  in  order  to  help  the  Mother  Nature?

We  should                                                                We  shouldn’t

.keep  the  country  tidy                                          cut  trees 

keep  air  and  water  clean                                   throw  litter in  to  the  streets

protect  the  environment  from  the                       be  litterbugs

pollution                                                                                                                                                                IX .Look  to  this  diagram  and  speak  on  it.                                                                                            a)Now  we  will  talk  about  ecological  problems  in  Kazakhstan  ex 4b  13У

b).Make  up  dialogues  on  the  theme.

1.Ecological  problems  in  your  village.  S – S

X. Conclusion.  A  lot  of  people  all  over  the  world  are  worried  about  the  Earth. Among  them  there  are  many  famous  people. One  of  them  is  M.Jackson. He  loves  nature  and  sings  about  the  Earth’s  problems  in  his  songs. Now, listen  to  one  of  his  hits – THE  EARTH  SONG.  Here  are  the  words  of  the  song, but  some  of  the  words  are  missed.  While listening  to  the  song  you  should  put  the  right  word  to  complete  the  song.

Killing        the  blood        to  notice        sunrise         things

Mine          crying              time                to  gain         rain

           What  about  _______, what  about  ______,

What  about  all  the _____, that  you  said  we  were _____.

                                   What  about _____ fields

                                              Is  there _____                                                                                            What  about  all the  things, that  you said  were  yours  and _____.

                              Did  you  ever  stop _____

                         All _____ we’ve  shed  before,

                              Did  you  ever  stop  to  notice

                This _____ Earth, this  weeping  shore.

XI. Giving  marks.  Home task. ex 12(a, b ) , 15-17 p 140.

The  lesson  is  over.  Good – bye!     



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