Қызылорда көпсалалы гуманитарлық–техникалық колледжінің
ағылшын тілі оқытушысы: Абтихалова Райкүл Жұмағалиевна
Ашық сабақ тақырыбы: New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population
Сабақ жоспары
Күні : Уақыты : Курс: 1 Тобы:
Пәннің аты : ағылшын тілі
І. Сабақтың тақырыбы: New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population
ІІ. Сабақтың мақсаты:
а) білім беру: Оқушылар Жаңа Зеландияның климаты, жабайы аңдары мен өсімдіктері, географиялық жағдайы, халқы туралы түсініп, сөйлей білуге үйрету.
б) ой-өрісін дамыту: Жаңа сөздерді қолдана отырып, өздері тексті аударуға баулу.
в) тәрбие: Оқушыларды топпен және жеке жұмыстар жүргізе отырып, достықтарын нығайта түсу.ауызша ойларын еркін жеткізуге дағдыландыру.
ІІІ. Сабақтың типі: аралас сабақ
ІV. Сабақтың түрі: практикалық
V. Сабақтың өткізілу әдістері: сөзбен түсіндіру, көрнекілік, сұрақ-жауап, ассоциация
VІ. Сабақтың көрнекілігі: таратпалар, сызбалар, текстер, слайд, Жаңа Зеландияның картасы, интерактивті тақта.
VІІ. Сабақтың барысы:
1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі (оқушылардың сабаққа қатысуын тексеру, дәрісхананың тазалығы, сабаққа дайындығына назар аудару).
2. Ұй тапсырмасын сұрау өткен тақырып бойынша оқушылардың білімін тексеру: Education in Australia
1. There exists a centralized national system of education in Australia.
The top of this system is the Federal Ministry of Education. But there are still many differences in the structure and the curricula of schools in different states.
2. There exist two types of schools in the country: state schools and private schools. Tuition in state schools is free of charge. Private schools charge rather high fees. 80 % of Australian children go to state schools, and only 20 % attend fee paying schools.
3. School education is obligatory for all children from 6 to 15 years. At present the school education scheme is “6+4+2” or “7+3+2”. Most children begin primary schools at the age of about five. Primary schools include from 1 to 6 or 7 grades.
4. After the primary school children pass to the secondary school without examinations. Junior high schools comprise 4 or 3-year courses. After these courses students complete two year senior high school.
5. After senior classes of secondary schools students may enter any higher educational institution in the country. There is a tendency of cancelling final examinations in both junior and senior secondary schools. In this case more children, irrespective of their abilities, may receive secondary education. University admission is only after the senior secondary schools. Tuition fees differ from one state to another.
Education in Australia translate the text and Compare Kazakhstan’s education with Australia’s education
3. Оқушылардың жауаптарын қорытындылау, бағалау:
Checking up their homework and putting mark
4. Сабақтан жаңа тақырыбын хабарлау , мақсатын қою:
New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna.Geographical position. Population.
Пәннің басқа пәндерімен байланысы: Kazakh and Russian languages,Geograhpy
5. Жаңа сабақта қаралатын сұрақтар:
Writing association of the word New Zealand on the posters.
New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna.Geographical position. Population.
I divide into 5 groups
1st group: New Zealand
2nd group: Climate.
3rd group: Flora and Fauna
4th group: Geographical position
5th group: Population.I’ give them 5 minute. Every group will report about their task with the help of map.
6. Жаңа сабақта қаралатын сұрақтардың қысқаша түсінігі (теориялық және көрнекілік материалдар қосымша сабақтың жоспарына тіркеу қажет)
New Zealand. Read the text and to understand.
New Zealand is a very interesting country. It has got total area of 269,000 square kilometres. It is situated to south-east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands (North Island and South Island) and some smaller ones. Nearly 3.5 million people live in the country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It is a financial centre too. The city was founded in 1840 and has been the capital since 1865. The official language is English.
The climate of New Zealand is moist. New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some main industries in the country, for example, iron and steel industry. The country has gas and petroleum. There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (3,764 metres or 12,349 feet).
There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief rivers are the Waikato and the Wairu. You have heard about the native animals in the country. One of them is the kiwi. This interesting bird lives in the wet parts of the thick bushes. In the day-time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting the kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis.
New Zealand is independent state, but formerly it is a part of the British Empire. The head of the state is the Queen. New Zealand is self-governing state. The Parliament consists of one House only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government.New Zealand has got heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. Paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports wool, meat, butter.There are some big cities such as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dune-din, Nelson. Auckland and Wellington are the main ports of the country.There are some educational and cultural institutions in Wellington. They are the University of New Zealand, Victoria University College and others. Victoria University was established in 1897.
to stretch — простираться, созылу
to consist — состоять ,тұрады
to extend — простираться ,созылу,шашылу,жаю
advantage — преимущество
equal — равный
clay — глина ,балшық,саз
precious — драгоценный
7. Сабақты пысықтап қорытындылау:
Тапсырма 1. Translate into English.
Тeacher: Dear students, We have guests in our class today.We are glad that you have come to our lesson. There are a lot of guests from different English- speaking countries. They represent Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Canada and many others. They have prepared some interesting presentations and stories about history, geographical position, places of interest, flora and fauna of their countries. After that they will be ready to answer your questions. Please, listen to our representatives very attentively .Now welcome our guests: John and Mike from Australia, Alina and Helen from Canada, Andrew and Nazar from the United States of America, Nataly and Ann from New Zealand, Nastya and Angelina from Great Britain.John is from Australia.And our correspondent Aigulim is from Kazakhstan.
Correspondent:- Now it’s time to start and listen to! The first country, that will be represented, is our gests- The United States of America. Andrew and Nazar, you are welcome!
Nazar: –Hi, friends! Let us tell you about our country. The USA lies in the central part of the North American Continent between two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Friendly Canada to the North and friendly Mexico to the South are the only countries bordering it. The USA consists of three separate parts. These are the Hawaiian Islands, situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska separated by Canada, and the rest of the USA. There are 50 states in the country. The states differ very much in size, population and economic development.
Correspondent: Which are the big cities of the USA?
Angelina:There are many big cities in the USA: New York, San Francisco, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles are the biggest.
Correspondent:- Thank you very much. Now, your questions.
And it’s turn for our quiz. Be attentive and good luck!
It’s time to listen about Canada .You are welcome, Alina and Helen.
Alina: - Hi, everyone. We are from Canada.My name is Alina
Our country is huge. It covers the territory of 9.800000 sk. kilometers. You just have to think of its territory, the size of its great lakes, the volume of its world-famous Niagara Falls and the height of its mountains. It’s very rich. And I’m talking about both the natural resources and the people.
Correspondent:- What natural resources do you know?
Helen: - Hi, everyone.I am from Canada.My name is Helen.
Our natural resources are oil, gas, timber, gold, nickel, aluminum and lead –we’ve got them all, and in huge quantities.
Correspondent:- What is the official language of your country?
Helen: There are two official languages in our country: English and French.
Correspondent:- What is the capital of Canada?
Helen: The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Correspondent: Where are you from?What can you say about Australia?
John:- Hi, everybody! My name is John and I am from Australia! Let me tell you about my country.
Australia is a fascinating country. It is full of strange and wonderful places, unusual animals and amazing culture.
Australia is called “ the upside down world”, because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere where winter comes in July and summer begins in December.
Australia is an island, a continent and a country. It’s the world's largest island and its smallest (but oldest!) continent. And it's the only country that has a whole continent to itself!
Correspondent:Where is Australia located?
Australia is located to the south of Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas.
Correspondent: What is the capital?
John: It’s capital is Canberra
Correspondent :What kind of strange and unusual animals in Australia?
John: There are lots of strange and unusual animals in Australia. Many of them- the kangaroo, the dingo, the koala, the echidna, the platypus are found nowhere in the world.
Correspondent: Thanks a lot.We knew a lot of interesting things. And now listen to about another country – New Zealand. They are from New Zealand.
Nataly:-Hi My name is Nataly.I am from New Zealand.New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands – the North Island and the South Island – and numerous smaller islands.
Correspondent:-What do you know about the flag of New Zealand?
Ann: My name is Ann. I am from New Zealand too. The Flag of New Zealand is a defaced blue ensign with the Union Flag in the canton, and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand. The flag proportion is 1:2 and the colours are Red, Blue and White. Proportion and colours are identical to the Union Flag.
Correspondent: Who are the Maoris?
Nataly:The Maori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Maoritanga is the native language. It is believed that the Maori migrated from Polynesia in canoes about the 9th century to 13th century AD. The Maoris lived in tribes called ‘Kiwi’. They lived in villages and were fishermen, hunters and framers..( Презентация Новой Зеландии)
Correspondent:-: Thanks a lot, friends. Your presentation and story were perfect. Your information was both interesting and useful. Now, dear friends, we’re going to listen about Great Britain.
Angelina: - Hello, we’re glad to tell you about our native country! My name is Angelina and I’m from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is the official name of my country, but usually we call it Great Britain or Britain or just the UK. It is situated on two large islands, the larger of which is Great Britain, the smaller is Ireland. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over 5 hundred small islands. The total area is 240,000 sq. kms., its population is 56,000,000 people. Our country consists of 4 main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Administratively the UK is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of state is the Queen. Parliament in GB has existed since 1265 and is the oldest in the world. Our country is a highly developed industrial country. Our nature is beautiful. The climate in the UK is rather mild.(Презентация Великобритании) Would you like to ask any questions, friends?
Correspondent:- Thank you , girls so much for your interesting information.
So I’m sure, our seating was not only interesting but also very useful because such meetings help us to make friends all over the world. It seems to me that we have just visited these countries, have seen wonderful places of interest, have met people of these countries with their traditions and culture! Thank you for your attention, for your intervies and for your presentations!
Now I’ll give the word of our next guest .She is our geography teacher Turmaganbetova Perizat. Goodbye! See you soon!
Teacher:Thanks today’s our foreign guests and our correspondent Aigulim. And Our Geography teacher Perizat Altynbekkyzy.We are going to continue our lesson.You listened about different countries.And we learned a lot information about New Zealand today. Can you answer some questions?
Questions: 1.
1. Where is New Zealand situated?
2. What islands does it consist of?
3. What is the national emblem of New Zealand?
4. What is the capital?
5. What are the main cities?
6. What is the nickname of New Zealand?
7. What is the highest mountainous range?
8. What is the climate?
9. What is the population of New Zealand?
10. Who are the Maoris?
11. Who represents the Queen of England?
8. Оқушылардың білімін және сабаққа белсенділігін бағалау
Putting mark to the pupils
9. Үй тапсырмасы:
Home work: Topic: Cities of New Zealand. And translate the text about New Zealand.
10. ӘдебиеттерT. Ayapova.English for 11th form.
11. Сабақтың аяқталуын хабарлау: So I’m sure, our seating was not only interesting but also very useful because such meetings help us to make friends all over the world. It seems to me that we have just visited these countries, have seen wonderful places of interest, have met people of these countries with their traditions and culture! Thank you for your attention, for your questions and for your presentations! Goodbye! See you soon!
The Lesson is over. You are free.
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