Өлең, жыр, ақындар


Қостанай облысы,Рудный қаласы
"№19 орта мектебі" КММ
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Парахатова Гуланар Рахатовна

LESSON: London

School: #19

Date: 28.02.2017

Teacher name: Parakhatova.G.R


Number present: 12


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

   •  develop pupils’ speaking skills
   •  translation abilities questioning and to bring up love and interest to the subject
   •  educate the feelings of international friendship

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

   •  Recognize simple greetings
   •  Recognize Teacher’s instructions
   •  Recognise and name prepositions

Most learners will be able to:

   •  Use Superlative and Comparative adjectives
   •  Use the new words

Some learners will be able to:

   •  Using Superlative and Comparative adjectives
   •  and read, translate the text

Previous learning

Great Britain


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)









Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

- How are you today? Ал сенің калын калай?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week today? ( Tuesday )

- What is the season now? (winter)

- Well done!

- Look at the blackboard, please and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

- Well done, today we shall have an unusual lesson. We will go on a trip to London and get acquainted with the sightseeing of London.

- But at first, who is absent today?




















Warm up:

- Now, let's read the rhyme “Big Ben”



This is Big Ben

Big Ben is a clock

Day and night

With all its might

Big Ben the clock

Says: “Tick-tock”

- Very well.

Presentation of new material:

- Boys and girls look at the blackboard, please.

- Let's see a video of London.

-What sights do you remember? (presentation)

- Look at the pictures and learn the preposition. (presentation)

Ағылшын тілінде орынға (мекенге) және қозғалыс бағытына арналған көмекші сөздер бар. Мысалы:

-And now, I’ll give you cards with new words and you need to write their at home. At first listen to me and repeat after me.


across- [əˈkrɒs]- арқылы, бойы

behind- [bɪˈhʌɪnd]- соңында

opposite- [ˈɒpəzɪt]- қарама- қарсы

in front off- [ɪn frʌnt ɒf]- алдынан

double-decker bus- [ˌdʌb(ə)lˈdɛkə bʌs]- екі қабатты автобус

Parliament- [ˈpɑːləm(ə)nt]- парламент

coronation- [kɒrəˈneɪʃ(ə)n]- тіж кигізу

traditional- [trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]- дістүрлі

Now, open the book, page 87, ex.4.

- Let's read on a chain and translate.

Ben: I want to show you  the city of  London  today. Let’s go by bus. Travelling by bus is the best way to see London.

Alibek: Wow! I love London very much. And I love this double-decker bus. Look, Ben, this is Big Ben.

Ben: That’s right.

Ben: Do you know that the Houses of Parliament are behind Big Ben. And Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous sights in London.

It’s the traditional place of coronation for British kings and queens.

Alibek: Ben, what’s that?

Ben: That’s Tower Bridge. It’s the most popular bridge in London. There are 33 bridges across the River Thames in London. There are two towers on the bridge. That’s why we call it Tower Bridge. The Tower of London is near Tower Bridge. It’s one of the oldest castles in Britain.  Now it’s a museum.

Alibek: Thank you, Ben. You know a lot of interesting things about your city.

Physical training:

- I see you are tired, let’s have a rest!

- Look at me and repeat after me, please.

Up and down, up and down,(поднять руки и опустить)

Which is the way to London town?

Where? Where? (руки в стороны)

Up in the air,(поднять глаза в потолок)

Close your eyes –(закрыть глаза)

And you are there!

- Well done. Thank you very much. Take your seats.

Fixing of knowledge.

- Now let’s fix our knowledge.

Exercise № 1. Work in pairs. (close your books)

- You’ve got the cards on your desks. You should decide if the sentence is true or false and put a cross in the card.

                  Do you agree or disagree?
   1. London is the capital of Spain. X
   2. The Houses of Parliament are behind Big Ben.
   3. Big Ben is a famous street (көше). X
   4.  Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament.
   5.  There are 33 bridges across the River Thames in London.
   6.  Tower Bridge is the most popular bridge in London.
   7. The Tower of London is one of the newest castles (жаңа). X
   8. Double-decker bus is a car. X

- Well done.

Exercise № 2.

 -Let’s match the names and the sights. (pictures)

Big Ben                                 

Westminster Abbey

the Houses of Parliament

Double-decker bus

Tower Bridge                      

- Good job.





presentation  in Power Point,



cards with new words,


 cards with the task,











      5 minutes

H/w: Boys and girls open your dairy and write down home task: learn all words on theme London.



Exercise № 1

Exercise № 2



















Let’s listen our captains with the explain of marks.


- Who can answer what have we learned today?

- What places of London do you know?

- What is your favorite place?

Today you were very active and everybody worked well.

Will you stand up? Our English lesson is over.

- Thank you for your work, children! Good-bye!  


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