Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ
Филология және әлем тілдері факультетінің 1-курс магистранты Қадырқұл Алтынай
Жетекшісі - ф.ғ.к., әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ доценті Жанатаев Д.Ж.
Social communication can be defined as the movement of knowledge, emotional experiences, and volitional influences in social time and space. Knowledge, feelings, and volitional impulses are meanings, so social communication is semantic communication, the content of which is the movement of ideal, conceivable meanings, rather than the movement of material objects, as in the case of transport or energy communication. Understanding the essence of social communication requires reference to the philosophical categories of "ideal," "material," "consciousness," "meaning," and "sign.
Two classical philosophical disciplines, in addition to modern philosophical theories and concepts, deal directly with social communication processes: logic and hermeneutics.
Logic studies the forms of thinking and ways of comprehending the truth; its subject matter includes the construction of proofs and refutations, the detection of lies and fallacies, and the conduct of dialogue and argument.
Hermeneutics is the doctrine of understanding (interpreting) texts, of comprehending the deeper meanings of writings such as Homer's poems, the Holy Scriptures, etc.
Social and communicative relations, as well as the very content of the information transmitted during the act of communication, must be analyzed and interpreted in terms of logic, understandability, intelligibility, unambiguity, consistency, etc., so logic and hermeneutics are embedded in the problems of social communication. Intercultural communication, as a rule, is realized on three levels:
In addition, it is within the philosophical dimension of communication theory that answers are sought to questions about the relationship of the material, ideal, objective and subjective in communication itself and its components, about the truth and falsity, ethical or unethical communicative relations, etc.
Within the framework of intercultural communicative space socio-cultural experience is transmitted and assimilated, the process of transformation of interacting subjects takes place, new personal qualities are created in representatives of different cultures and ethnicities. As the social structure develops, the intercultural communicative space also develops, which manifests itself in the increasing role of common achievements for all mankind as a whole. The essence of intercultural communication should be seen as an interaction that contributes to the education of communicative competence in the process of communication of representatives of different cultures, as well as the development of a sense of respect for the cultural traditions of the interlocutor. In each act of intercultural communication the emphasis is primarily placed on the desire for mutual understanding. The situation of understanding in intercultural communication is not reducible to a strictly defined structure of knowledge of another culture. Dynamics in mutual understanding in the process of intercultural communication prevails over statics, suggesting creative activity of communicants.
Thus, with the transformation of modern society (whose members, positioning their identity within the socio-cultural space, seek to form a productive social system) there is an increasing need for research into the problems of intercultural communication. As a result, intercultural communication, despite its multifaceted and contradictory nature, is one of the recently actively developing areas of humanitarian knowledge. It is important to emphasize that with the existing diversity of points of view in the consideration of the essence of intercultural communication, the cultural-defining dominant as the key to understanding intercultural communication remains the main one.
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