Steppe, endless steppe. Steppe without ends and edges. Larks fill the blue sky; whose songs are the only enchantments of the severe landscape. East from the Caspian Sea behind a small steppe river called Emba, a great plain starts and lasts until the Altai foothills. Sometimes the landscape is interrupted by small hills; here is where the territory of deserts, semi deserts and steppes come together. These landscapes meet each other, and the feather grass steppe infringes on the desert limits. Nature starts changing its appearance: along the steppe rivers, and streams; in valleys the islands of asp and birch forests are growing which promptly change into forest steppe. Among the endless steppe spaces, there are islands of once giant mountains countries. Mostly these are low granite mountains, with maximum height of 1,400 meters. Range slopes are exposed by erosion, granite plates placed on top of one another like giant mattresses, they are called matrix granites. Some granite outcrops have peculiar forms. These island forests are re- mains of powerful forests from the ice period, which covered the whole territory of Kazakhstan during colder and wetter times. Presently there are 3 sections of island forests, Borovoe, Bay- an-Aul and, Karkaralinsk. Unique combinations of granite mountains, and unbelievably beautiful lakes bordered by pine forests, attract many people from all over the world.
Steppes in Central Kazakhstan occupy a gigantic space, sometimes among the boundless steppes there are small lakes surrounded by birch and aspen groves. In the spring on these steppe lakes very interesting birds can be encountered - the ruffs. Ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) are slender, long-legged waders.
Ruffs males and females are so differing in size and color that in the nineteenth century they were mistaken for two different species. In the spring during the mating season, these differences are particularly pronounced. During that time males grow magnificent collars of feathers, and the plumage is so diverse that it is very difficult to meet two identical males.
Quite a large wader with bright characteristic colors resembling magpies called Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus). Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) is a rare steppe lapwing. Numerous species of lapwings lead a near-water life and only a few species live away from water. The species are listed in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Borovoe, or Burabai, is a beautiful resort place. Situated in the center of Kazakhstan, it became famous far beyond its borders. In a book recently published in Switzerland and dedicated to the alpine landscapes of the world, Kazakhstan is represented by landscapes of Borovoe. A unique combination of granite mountains and unparalleled beauty of lakes (and there are several dozens of them) bordered by pine forests on the shores. Powerful pines with golden-green crowns, seems like they swim, or wander alone, or fight with the raging waves of the feathery seas of steppe. In these places, many relict plants have been preserved. More than 700 plant species have been found in the vicinity of Borovoye. Of these, 95 are classified as rare. The fauna of this region is also diverse. Ornithofauna accounts for more than 200 species. Fauna of mammals represented by several dozens of species, such as elks, wild boars, badgers, red squirrels are found in the forests, foxes and wolves are common; hares are finding food and shelter as well as stoats, least weasels, martens. Quite common are roe deer and deer, descendants of Ascanian hybrid deer, resettled here long time ago.
In Central Kazakhstan, there is an interesting phenomenon: for some unknown reason, the trunks of some birches are bent and twisted in such a way that it create an impression of dancing trees. Such groves are not rare in Northern Kazakhstan. They are called groves of dancing birches. The most famous grove of dancing birches grew on the shore of Lake Borovoe, unfortunately, not all dancing birches of this grove survived, from the great circle of dancers only strongest remained. Small tortoiseshell (Nymphalis urticae) perhaps the most common and recognizable butterfly in Europe and Asia. Yellow-legged tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas) similar to small tortoiseshell, but noticeably larger and without the large black spot at the base of the hind wings.
Spring. Among the last year's grass first flowers are rising up, of course, the locals call them snowdrops, the scientific name of these beautiful flowers is Eastern pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens). This plant is widely used for its medicinal properties for a long time already. Drugs derived from the plant are used to treat anxiety and insomnia. By the way, the fresh plant is rather poisonous, the animals do not eat leaves of Eastern pasqueflower. First tulips are breaking through last year's grass, wind gently sway violet flower heads of fntillana (Fritillaria meleagroides).
On the lakes of Central Kazakhstan there are many birds, the easiest to notice are the nosiest the gulls and the terns. Great black-headed gull (Larus ichthyaetus) Not only these gulls are largest among local gulls. they are also the most beautiful, with silvery-white' plumage, the matte black head, the white around the eyes and yellow beak with red end give the birds a very unforgettable look. Habitat areas of the gulls are quite wide, but the settlement has pronounced island character. It is listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Great black-headed gulls, like flamingos are relics of the ancient water reservoirs of Kazakhstan. Terns differs from gulls by having sharp edged wings and pointed tail (Sterna hirundo). Flock of flying flamingos (Phoenicopterus.repsr1. In the flight the red plumage of the wings is clearly visible. Flamingo because of its peculiar appearance is often called a camel among birds. From the distance birds seem incredibly large. Indeed, their height reaches one and a half meters, but the weight is only about four kilograms, in comparison with the gray goose weights about six kg.
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